Hey Erkka and Sami. I know what you'll say (probably), but for some reason I cant get this outta my head. You guys have amassed huge volume of knowledge about iron age Scandinavia and you have a few decades of experience in game development. Yet, you have only one title. Dont get me wrong, its not a bad thing, but it just seems like you could (hell no, you SHOULD) do more with that knowledge. For example, take the ancient trade route from varangians to greeks. Its a such under-explored territory and with such amazing potential. No need for any orcs, goblins or any other nonsense - life at that time was very diverse and this route covered places from northern Europe all the way to very south of it. Just imagine setting up a caravan in Scandinavia and traveling all that way.... Or even being a helping hand on that caravan. If anyone out have the knowledge and the determination to make something as grand as this happen - it'll be you guys. With modern crowd funding platforms you can not only fund the development, but make some decent bucks if your work will be (and we all know it will be) just as good as URW is.