Topic: [naming: last word] functionality extension  (Read 9863 times)


« on: November 18, 2019, 10:42:52 AM »
Talking about modding crafting recipes

Currently, the [naming: ] tag, together with [name: %s] tag, offers the possibility for greater customisation of recipes and item names.

However, only two options are currently available:
[naming:last word] - %s will get value of the last word of selected material/item name
[naming:original]  - %s will get value of original and complete selected material/item name

I propose a small extension that could greatly improve customisation and simplify many mod recipes I've seen.

In addition to "last word",  it should be possible to use integer values:
"1" :  get the value of the first word
"2" : get the value of the second word
"n" : get the value of the nth word

In a similar fashion,  as it happens in python lists:
"-1" : get the value of the last word (synonim with "last word")
"-2" : get the value of the second last word
"-n" : get the value of the nth last word

If the number exceeds the word count, it should reduce to the last word in the former, positive case and the first word in the latter, negative case.

It should be just a small modification to implement, but the advantages are sizeable. I hope you (Sami) can consider this


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« Reply #1 on: April 28, 2020, 03:53:40 PM »
Hmm. Gotta check the code and consider. It may seem simple and quick thing to add on the outisde, but as the game hasn't been designed for modding things can be quite a mess in the inside.
- Sami | UnReal World creator