To add to this issue, every time you cut a length of cord off, the shorter piece has the exact same weight as the original piece of cord. If you join these 2 pieces of cord back together, then you combine the weight of both, which doubles the weight of the cord. You should be able to replicate this with any character that has some cloths you can tear a cord off of.
1. Tear a cord off of your cloths, or something else that counts as cloth. You should have a 15 ft cord that weighs 0.5 lbs
2. Shorten the cord by 1 ft. You should then have a 14 ft cord that weighs 0.5 lbs, and a 1 ft cord that weighs 0.5 lbs.
3. Join 1 cord to the other, you will now have a 15 ft cord that weighs 1 lbs.
4. Shorten the cord by 1 ft. You should then have a 14 cord that weighs 1lbs, and a 1 ft cord that weighs 1lbs.
5. Join 1 cord to the other, you will now have a 15 ft cord that weighs 2 lbs. - Thus demonstrating that the shorter piece of cord copies the weight of the cord that it was removed from.
In practice, this results in cords that are unusually heavy after only a few adjustments to the cordage you use. Perhaps cord length should determine weight somehow, instead of just having a static value that the game is supposed to trust based on the honor system? I also don't understand the need for a durability bar for cord, since it only seems to drop when the weight decreases, and not based on how the cord is used.