Topic: How long in game?  (Read 7614 times)

Tom H

« on: June 18, 2019, 12:56:46 PM »
Is there a way to determine how long a character has been in the game?


« Reply #1 on: June 18, 2019, 05:11:48 PM »
Yes, at least roughly. The log ('L') time stamps entries.

Tom H

« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2020, 11:21:13 PM »
I just realized that you can review the quests you've undertaken and each tells you how many days past it was completed. Not perfect but a good approximation of one's starting point.


« Reply #3 on: January 19, 2020, 09:51:30 AM »
You can look at the first and last line of msglog.txt, for example my character Nousia:

Code: [Select]
first line:
(143270):1bg8:[#]{06DF0653}      | Zooming in ...
last line:
(008000):pcgb:[=]{06EA06A9}      | Your character has been saved.

"1bg8" and "pcgb" is the key here, the format is day-month-year-hour, and the numbers start using letters after 9, so I started the game on the 1st day of the bth month (11th = November = Dead month) of the gth year (16th - the character is 16 years old) at 8am, and now it is the pth day (9+16 = 25th day of the cth month (12th = December) of the same year, and it is b o'clock (11am).

My character Pekka started on the first of April (swidden) year 16
Code: [Select]
(143270):14g8:[#]{06700281}      | Zooming in ...
And now it is the 17th of November (dead) of the same year
Code: [Select]
(008000):hbga:[=]{06080060}      | Your character has been saved.


« Reply #4 on: January 23, 2020, 09:33:38 AM »
Is there a way to determine how long a character has been in the game?

Not on the PC at the moment to check before I post but I think:
1. All characters enter the game world at the age of 18.
2. I also think death screen shows at what age your character died.
Based on that you can simply back up your CHARACTERNAME directory a.k.a. Save game) then kill yourself by pressing Q and choosing not save the game anymore. That way game should show you how long you survived.

Then simply copy and paste (or move) the directory back in.
This could be a good day to utilize your squirrels hides.


« Reply #5 on: January 23, 2020, 01:42:05 PM »
@ineedcords: You start at an age of 16, as shown by Plotinus' post above yours.