I use the Njerpezit Cooking mod to get some variation and "better" cooking options, in particular the pot prepared food that combine multiple ingredients to fill a pot completely, allowing you to cook less often. Combining items also means you can get some high nutrient food (meat) together with lower quality ones to end up with a good total amount. The Goulash also used a limited amount of flour, which means you don't have to grid flour as often (and, as a result, don't have to use as much flour in total). The mod also contains a number of nicer bread options. If I remember correctly, the flatbread one simply uses more ingredients, resulting in more bread per baking session.
Unfortunately, the UrW nutrition model means using ingredients such as mushrooms and berries are loss activities. I'm not sure if you're going to starve to death trying to live only on berries (and they'll go out of season eventually anyway), but you sure get gradually hungrier and hungrier even with a constantly full belly because of the low nutrient concentration (an occasional addition of the meat from e.g. a bird can keep you going, though).