Which brings up the question of stealing prey? How will a non party hunter react to me butchering his prey? Until Sami teaches them manners are they all going to be bird thiefs? On a side note that would be cool if one did steal and I could cast a spell some old man me to make them reveal themselves.
Currently they won't react at all to their preys getting stealed, and yes, they could also start butchering player characters prey.
Additions like this bring in many ifs and wild variables, and that flood of ideas as well.
Historically the downed prey was marked owned by cutting (a certain) piece of its carcass. Whoever did it first, the prey was his, even though he hadn't actually downed it.
This is because sometimes two people might have hunted for example the same elk for a long time, and whose arrow was the fatal in the end, couldn't be easily resolved.
So, whoever was the first to cut the carcass became its rightful owner. So maybe we'll apply this kind hunter ethics as well. If you get to cut NPC downed animal first, they give it to you, if you cut whats theirs they'll probably get angry. And vice versa.