Improvement of spruce mat as per Signatus to "spruce mat fur"
Testing 20, 30, 40 found that 40 twigs, weight 16 produced a "lay on" message
2 of 40 twig mats generate the "wrap yourself in" message
Build time only slightly adjusted to 4m build, 2m dismantle. Build 1m per ten twigs to lay them down.
// Spruce mat
// Partly for RP and for storing spruce twigs.
// Now acts as warmth layer for sleeping and two
// count for being wrappted in.
// I decided against swapping the vanilla shelter to
// use this as new players wouldn't know about it
// brygun = original recipe at 20 twigs bundle (for shelter)
// Signatus = figured out method for "fur" sleep benefits
// experiments for wrap done at 20 twig/8lbs and 30/12 lbs
// and 40/16lbs. The 40/16 was found to work
.Spruce mat. "Spruce twig" *COMMON* [noquality] /4m/
{*spruce twig} (40) [remove] [ground]
[NAME:Spruce mat fur]
// As a dismantle item only one input is used, otherwise
// a tying equipment (such as a split spruce twig) would be
// called for
.Dismantle spruce mat. (40) "Spruce twig" *COMMON* [noquality] /2m/
{Spruce mat fur} (1) [remove] [ground]
[NAME:Spruce twig]