EDIT: Also, the installation instructions are ambiguous.
Always fair for a user to raise a concern. Been modding so long its just second nature for me to install and update it. Did go and do a check.
"Install directions are in the Readme BAC mod.txt file" has been added to post 1.
There are instructions there already. I did rewrite them separating some into a few smaller steps.
As this is just an update to a readme I don't feel that by itself it warrants a new version of the BAC. The updated instructions should automatically go through in the next update, whenever that is.
For those really needing them the install instructions are now:
Install Instructions
Recommend backing up your game files.
Note: As the diy_glossary core file (and possibly others) will change this will likely fail a Steam check of the game's installation.
1) download the BAC zip
2) unzip the BAC files to its own directory
3) Locate your Unreal World directory, such as by using Steam's show local files. Tip: you may want to a shortcut to it.
4) It is a good idea to store the biy, diy and cookery glossary files.
5) BAC will have to overwrite a few files so really should back these up and any steam auto-update will affet these files:
4) Copy the BAC unzipped files and subdirectories into your Unreal World directory. You should see a question to overwrite the diy_glossary (and maybe others) that is to be allowed.
6)In the process the BAC truetile subfolder contents should copy into the Unreal World truetile subfolder.
As of this writing modders have limited intereaction with the "build" menus so a work around is needed to allow multiple versions of doing a similiar thing.
The boff_biy_XXX files are meant to be activated when needed then turned off again. This is due to how overlapping recipes currently work. To activate rename the file to remove the "boff_" portion of the name. To store the file rename and restore the the "boff_".
Be sure to report any bugs or issues on the forums so we can all share in their resolution