Topic: [DEVELOPMENT RELOCATED] Brygun's Added Items  (Read 99244 times)


« on: November 28, 2018, 12:41:59 AM »
Updating and transferring my mod of useful additional items to the this forum and to game version 3.52

The old forum thread for my mod is:

Currenty my mod is being adjusted to be compatible with Bouidda's crafting. The old forum thread for that is:

« Last Edit: December 27, 2018, 04:59:10 AM by Brygun »


« Reply #1 on: November 28, 2018, 12:45:08 AM »
Reserved for better instructions
« Last Edit: November 28, 2018, 12:55:27 AM by Brygun »


« Reply #2 on: November 28, 2018, 12:45:30 AM »

For the menu functions make a menu_def file as named below the first break to have the text below the 2nd.

For Boudica compatibility "G" seemed to work. What works with other mods may vary.



file contents>>>

.Added items.  -G-  *MAKE*

« Last Edit: November 29, 2018, 02:05:10 AM by Brygun »


« Reply #3 on: November 28, 2018, 07:56:34 PM »
The post after this one is the raw text so you can see the recipes. You should copy the text and save it in your Unreal directory as:


the name of that file is set to match the menu_def described in earlier posts of this thread
« Last Edit: December 01, 2018, 10:21:16 PM by Brygun »


« Reply #4 on: November 28, 2018, 07:56:57 PM »
// Mod by Brygun to add some additional items

//Current forum thread and discussions

//Old forum thread and dicussions

// Complements to other modders such as Rain's clothing and Endive's self sufficiency
// for their excellent lead work
// and of course Saami for the Unreal World
// Permission given to include this in other mod packs provided
// a comment line is made the item came from Brygun
// You may reassign the items to other menus if you wish.

// Version history now at end of the file

// <<Controlling Menu Duplication Fixes>>
// This mod now includes some "fixes"
// To turn off the mod you can leave the game running
// Just dont be in the craft menu. Just be at a normal screen
// Change to a window of the game directory
// Rename the diy_Brygunadd in some way
// I suggest an extra d in the front to keep alphabetical sort
// Go back to game and open craft menu, my mod list will be gone
// and the normal craft object menu will be correct
// To activate my mod rename back to diy_Brygunadd
// When the craft menu is opened mine will appear (assuming
// you have the my menu_def file in place)
// The duplicate items will likely be blocked by my recipes
// That is why you need to turn this mod off at times

[SUBMENU_START:Added items]

.Fur Mask. "Leather cuirass" [effort:2] [effort:2]   [phys:hands]   *HIDEWORKING*   /30/
{Animal hide}  #1# [remove] [name:%s Fur Mask] '+furs'
{Tying equipment} (1) [remove] '+tie on cord'
{Knife} <small knife> '+Shape eye and breathing holes'

.Fur Niska. "Fur cap" [effort:2] [effort:2]   [phys:hands]   *HIDEWORKING*   /30/
{Animal hide}  #1# [remove] [name:%s Fur Niska] '+furs'
{Knife} <small knife> '+Shape eye and breathing holes'

.Leather Paws. "Fur mittens"   [effort:2]   [phys:arms]   *HIDEWORKING*   /90/
{Leather}  #1# [remove] [name:%s Leather Paws]
{Tying equipment} (2) [remove] '+for seams'
{Knife} 'A knife for shaping the work'
//there is some debate whether iron age Finland had five fingered gloves
//I use the term paw to represent a hand covering with a name the game
//still lets you wear with mittens. This gives 2 layers for winter.
//Increased time due to complexity of seams

.Leather Laced Shoes. "Leather shoes" [effort:2]   [phys:arms]   *HIDEWORKING*   /60/ %10%
{Leather}  #1# [remove] [name:%s Leather Laced Shoes]
{Tying equipment} (2) [remove] '+for laces'
{Knife} 'A knife for shaping the work'
//Small skill bonus on account of being able to have a bigger hole closed by laces

.Wooden shield.  "Roundshield" [effort:2] [phys:arms] *CARPENTRY*    /180/ %-15%
{Slender trunk} [remove] [ground] '+for handle shaft'
{Board} (4) [remove] [ground]
{Axe} <Carving axe>
//Norse style shield with no rim
//Would prefer to lower the quality a step vs normal roundshield
//Small skill penalty on account of no iron rim. Not a heavy penalty as this
//style of shield still has combat uses. Enemy weapon might jam in the wood only edge.

.Wooden buckler.  "Buckler" [effort:2] [phys:arms] *CARPENTRY*    /90/ %-15%
{Slender trunk} [remove] [ground] '+for handle shaft'
{Board} (2) [remove] [ground]
{Axe} <Carving axe>
//Smaller wooden shield

.Root Rope. "Rope" [effort:2] [phys:hands] *SURVIVAL*  /2h/ |-1| %15%
{Rock} '+for digging and shaping'
{Stone} '+for braiding tension'
//Represents digging out surface roots which are semiflexible
//then braiding them up with a stone weight for tension
//price reduced

//Birch-bark recipes are now a bit dated
//currently deactivated to avoid duplication overwrites
//Birch-bark Necklace
//build existing
//.Birch-bark Necklace. *TIMBERCRAFT* [effort:2] [phys:arms] /15/
//{Bark} #3# [remove]
//{Tying equipment} (1) [remove] '+to tie parts together'

//Birch-bark Shoes
//build existing
//.Birch-bark Shoes. *TIMBERCRAFT* [effort:2] [phys:arms] /45/
//{Bark} #3# [remove]

//Birch-bark Cap
//build existing
//.Birch-bark Cap. *TIMBERCRAFT* [effort:2] [phys:arms] /30/
//{Bark} #3# [remove]

.Oakum. "Branch" [effort:1] [phys:arms] *CARPENTRY*  %30%  /60/
{Hemp} #1# [remove] '+base fibre'
//Update to correct material source of hemp
//Fibers are labouriously picked out to create loose matting

.Sealed Wooden Tub. "Wooden tub" [effort:2] [phys:arms] *CARPENTRY*    /180/
{Board} (3) [remove]
{Bark} #1# [remove] '+sap to mix with the oakum'
{Oakum} (1) [remove]'+packed into the joints'
{Axe} <Carving axe> '+for main shaping'
{Knife} '+for fine whittling and pressing the oakum'
//Mortise and tenon joints packed with oakum and sticking sap to seal it.
//Board size set to 3 as each board is 20 lbs.
//One board splits in two for the bottom
//Two boards broken into short lengths to form the sides.

//Birch Bark section
//Birch trees are in game. As of 3.17b4 we still can't peel their bark.
//In groves Birch appears with Adler around. Perhaps a few tiles away.
//Therefore the best access I have is to use the "bark" meant for Adler/Rowan
//as a material input for birch bark.

//.Hollowed wood for water. "Rock"

.Upper block tub. "Wooden tub" [effort:2] [phys:arms] *Carpentry* /30/ \180\ %-30%
{Block of wood}   (1)  [remove]
{Fire}      '+lit nearby'
//Fire used to weaken upper core of wood the cut out a hole

.Half block tub. "Wooden tub" [effort:3] [phys:arms] *Carpentry* /120/ \180\ %-30%
{Upper block tub}   (1)  [remove]
{Axe} <Carving axe> '+removing charred core'
{Fire}      '+lit nearby'
//Dig out upper core then fire used to weaken lower core of wood

.Deep block tub. "Wooden tub" [effort:3] [phys:arms] *Carpentry* /120/ %-30%
{Half block tub} (1)  [remove]
{Axe} <Carving axe>
//Dig out lower core.
//Hefty skill penalty to keep quality down to avoid selling exploint

.Block pot. "Pot" [effort:1] [phys:arms] *COMMON* /1/ %-30%
{Deep block tub} (1)  [remove]
{Rock} (4) [remove] '+to be fire heated then put in the pot'
//Can not model needing to reheat the rocks.
//Hefty skill penalty to keep quality down
//Add rocks for the heating process. Heat the rocks in a fire then put them inside.

.Washed Bandage. "Bandage"   [effort:1]   [noquality]   *COMMON*   /10/
{Rock}  '+Use only to retun applied bandage'
{Water} #0.5# '+Washing water'

//Supports for Rain's Ironworking. Remove the comment // from those you want to use
//Unreal world currently limits to only having only one recipe
//so these start as 'off' by the comment marks to let you build
//the first ones.
//the idea is to make second anvil/hammer of better quality
//once you already have the first one.

//.Build second anvil/hammer. "Rock"

//.Anvil.    "Stone" [effort:4] [phys:arms,hands,stance] *CARPENTRY* /4h/ %30%
//{Bloom of Iron}  (5) [remove]
//{Charcoal}  (10) [remove] [ground]
//{Fire}      '+lit nearby'
//{Block of wood}  [remove] '+for a base'
//{Axe} <Carving axe>
//{Anvil} [ground] [noquality] '+existing anvil'
//{Hammer}  [noquality]

//.Hammer.    "Mace" [effort:1] [phys:arms,hands,stance] *CARPENTRY* /3h/ %30%
//{Bloom of Iron}  (2) [remove]
//{Charcoal}  (6) [remove] [ground]
//{Fire}      '+lit nearby'
//{Hammer}  [noquality]    '+to pound it'
//{Anvil}    [ground] '+nearby'
//{Wooden Stake}    [remove] '+for a handle'

//To fix bloom naming errors that occur sometimes in the
// Rain/Lasse Self Sufficiency mod
//.Bloom of Iron. "Rock" [effort:1] *Common* |-1| /1/
//{Smelt Iron} [remove]

//In case your Bog Iron got used as a 'stone' in construction
//.Bog Iron. "Stone" [effort:1] [noquality] /1/

[SUBMENU_END:Added items]


//.Canoe making steps. "Rock"

//Birch-bark Canoe
//Being Canadian canoes are a familiar item.
//There is no evidence that iron age finalnd used canoes
//Rather they used skin boats (punt), dug out canoes
//and perhaps rowing only clinker built boats
//This alternate punt was also an early mod showing
//multi stage production
//compared to dugout canoe meant to take less time and use a knife not axe
//this lets us have another route to a light craft
//Note the overall time is much lower than in real life to keep consistent with
//other watercraft. It is also a smaller one person canoe.
//Weight is based on
// and

.Tree Roll of Birch-bark. "Block of wood" *TIMBERCRAFT* [effort:3] [phys:arms] /2h/
{Tree Trunk} [ground] [remove] [noquality] '+please choose a birch'
{Knife} 'A knife for peeling'
//Represents a very big piece of bark

.Opened Birch Roll. "Board" *TIMBERCRAFT* [effort:2] [phys:arm] /60/ \36h\
{Tree Roll of Birch} [remove]
{Slender trunk} [remove] [ground]  (2) '+to press each side'
{Wooden stake} [remove] [ground] (4) '+horizontal braces'
{Branch} [remove] [ground] (20) '+pegging inside and out'
{Stone} (8) [ground] '+apply weight'
{Knife} 'A knife for shaping the work'
//put the stones in to open it and go do others things a while
//not to be moved while forming

.Birch-bark punt. "Punt" *TIMBERCRAFT* [effort:2] [phys:arms] /4h/ \1h\
{Opened Birch Roll} [remove]
{Staff} (2) [remove] '+for top edges'
{Board} (2) [remove] '+seat and end caps'
{Wooden stake} (30) [remove] '+curved ribs'
{Bark} #3# [remove] '+sealing with sap/pitch'
{Tying equipment} (2) [remove] '+for bow and stern'
{Knife} 'A knife for shaping the work'
//Price roughly 1/2 punt and 1-1 with weight
//Added 1 hour drying time to let the sealing set

//Renaming conversion if you had an older version
//.Birch-bark punt. "Punt" /1/
//{Birch-bark Canoe} [remove] [ground]

//Brygun's presentation of a leather punt
// I see the half the stakes used to make the U shaped ribs. The others are used to make the rim.
//The leather is sewn into a big sheet, tied around the rim and under the U ribs. Leather is trimmed. In a circular punt the seat is near where the U ribs come together. In a box punt the seat is often higher to help keep the ribs spread. I like to use Bark as sticky sealant though other mods might use their local pitch_glue or whatever they have to seal the seams against leaks.

.Leather Punt. "Punt" *CARPENTRY* /6h/  |2| [phys:arms, stance] [EFFORT:2]
{Leather} #30# [ground] [remove] '+shell'
{Tying equipment} (3) [ground] [remove]  '+attach leather'
{Wooden stake}(16) [ground] [remove] '+supporting rim'
{Board} (1) [ground] [remove] '+seat'
{Bark} #3# [ground] [remove] '+sticky sealant'
{Axe}<Carving axe>
{Knife}<Small knife>



.Clay kettle pot. "Pot" [effort:0] [phys:hands,one-armed] *COMMON*    /20/ \2h\
{Clay lump}   (2)   [remove]
//A smaller version sized for boiling teas and medicines

.Clay amphora tub. "Wooden Tub"   [effort:0] [phys:hands,one-armed] *COMMON*    /90/ \6h\
{Clay lump}   (15)   [remove]
//Inspired by amphora to hold large quantites.
//Tub in name to be seen by other recipes
//As a tub it isn't able to be used in cooking
//Good for storing the grains from threshing
//Used efficiency of scale on capacity vs weight

.Clay large amphora tub. "Wooden Tub"   [effort:0] [phys:hands,one-armed] *COMMON*    /180/ \12h\
{Clay lump}   (45)   [remove]
//An amphora so big it will be about all you can carry when full
//125 lbs is about 15 gallons of fresh water


// Version notes
// v0.1 Learned syntax to make Leather gauntlets
// v0.2 25Jul2013 - expanded beyond to wood shield, primitive pot/tub, sealed tub
// add name:%s for leather
// v0.2b fixed note from primitive cord to soaked branches,
// longer to dig out the primitive block tub to balance option for other tubs
// v0.3 added skill modifiers here and there. added birch barks, starting decorative
// v0.4 added wooden buckler, shift oakum to take hemps
// v0.41 added primitive rope string
// v0.42 added 2nd anvil and 2nd hammer
// v0.5 added bandage return, re ordered some entries
// increased time to make birch bark canoe, renamed canoe steps
// reviewed and changed effort generally higher
// v.51 returning a bandage adjusted, this avoids recipe jamming
// v.52 adjusted after tests to washed bandage,
// fix for smelt of iron and bog iron got used
//  mod on/off instructions added
// v1.0 23April2017 improved use of 3.3 era code for the clothing
// Rains iron support items 'off' by comments to avoid confusing with other mods
// v1.1 27Nov2018 began adding commands like weight and price
// adjustments now avaiable from base game updates
// Canoe recipe and weight changes with more [remove] tags
// v1.11 28Nov2018 corrected for changes in names.
// Canoe times increased
// Price on primitive types dropped
// Root rope now needs nearby spruce rather than branches
// My birch bark items deactivated to avoid conflicts
// with Boudica
// Changes underway with block tubs and pot using new commands
// 01Dec2018 Moved canoe making steps to the transport menu
// My clay additions now appear here and will appear in Bouidda's earthware menu
// Leather punt added to make -> transport menu

« Last Edit: December 02, 2018, 03:38:19 PM by Brygun »


« Reply #5 on: November 28, 2018, 07:58:07 PM »
reserved for biy instructions??


« Reply #6 on: November 28, 2018, 07:58:16 PM »

//Desconstructing in a cave might not restore cave floor status
//This lets you return the floor
.Cave floor. "Restore floor" *BUILDING* -R- [effort:1] /1/
{Rock} (1)  [ground] '+fix placeholder'

//Only one rain catcher can be active at a time
//Rain Catcher for placing on mountains with caves
//27+ game squares (e.g. 5 x 6) could yield
//6000 gallons from 1 inch of rainfall

//Stand outside the cave next to the wall
//.Water. "Cliff water catcher" *BUILDING* -C- [effort:4] [phys:arms,stance,arms,legs] /3h/
//{[NEARBY_TILE:High cliff]}
//{Board} (9) [remove] [ground] '+rain barrel side and bottom'
//{Slender trunk} (6) [remove] [ground] '+braces for barrel'
//{Rope} (2) [remove] '+banding on barrel'
//{Wooden stake} (30) [remove] [ground] '+gutters guiding water'
//{Bark} #9# [remove] [ground] '+sap for sealing barrel and gutters'

//Stand outside a house corner
.Water. "House water catcher" *BUILDING* -C- [effort:4] [phys:arms,stance,arms,legs] /3h/
{[NEARBY_TILE:* corner]}
{Board} (9) [remove] [ground] '+rain barrel side and bottom'
{Slender trunk} (6) [remove] [ground] '+braces for barrel'
{Rope} (2) [remove] [ground] '+banding on barrel'
{Wooden stake} (20) [remove] [ground] '+gutters guiding water'
{Bark} #7# [remove] '+sap for sealing barrel and gutters'

.Inside of a building. "Improve cave" *BUILDING* -I- [effort:4] [phys:arms,stance,arms,legs] /1h/
{[NEARBY_TILE:cave floor]}
{Board} (4) [remove] [ground] '+new floor'
{Firewood} (4) [remove][ground]'+fill low points'
{Branch} (4) [remove] [ground] '+balancing boards'




« Reply #7 on: November 30, 2018, 03:13:30 AM »
Recommended changes:

1) Boudida's version I have needs a pot, of iron, needed to make pitch glue needed to make a stone hammer to do things to be able to make an iron pot. Since it appears to be collecting the glue a tub, not just a cooking pot, should suffice. Using "* tub" lets other containers such as my cored out block tubs work.

diy_q_Buoidda's crafts.txt

.Pitch glue.   "Hunting horn" [effort:2] [phys:arms,hands] *TIMBERCRAFT* /30/ \8h\ |-2| [noquality] [patch]
{* Tub}                      '+to collect the glue' 
{*birch-bark*}  #5#   [remove] [patchwise]      +'birch-bark'
{Shovel}<Shovel>                '+to cover it in soil'
{Firewood}  (10)   [remove] [patchwise][ground]   '+piled around it'
{Fire}                         '+lit nearby'

2) To access birch bark from other sources, like the entire roll of birch taken off in my canoe steps, the build with birch park recipes are changed to use "*Birch-bark*"
« Last Edit: November 30, 2018, 03:35:30 AM by Brygun »


« Reply #8 on: November 30, 2018, 03:27:41 AM »
The next post is an update of  Buoidda's mod file diy_q_Buoidda's crafts.txt with my recommendations in place
« Last Edit: November 30, 2018, 03:34:22 AM by Brygun »


« Reply #9 on: November 30, 2018, 03:32:13 AM »
// Part of Buoidda's crafts 1.5+

//Contains additions and modifications from Brygun
//for discussions see:


.Split spruce twig. (2) "Cord" [effort:1] [phys:hands,one-handed]    *COMMON* /10/ [noquality] [patch]
{Spruce twig}   [remove] [patchwise]
{Knife}<Small knife>
// This is a readily available general tying equipment.
// For any mod recipe that previously had {Tying equipment} requirement
// I recommend assessing if {*cord} 'Cord' would be better:
// Like bows, arrows, bags, nets, fishing rods etc.

.Birch root. "Cord" [effort:2] [phys:hands,one-handed]    *COMMON* /20/ [noquality] [patch]
{[NEARBY_TILE:birch]}               +'A birch nearby'
// Should only be usable when soil isn't frozen
// This is a readily available general tying equipment.
// For any mod recipe that previously had {Tying equipment} requirement
// I recommend assessing if {*cord} 'Cord' would be better:
// Like bows, arrows, bags, nets, fishing rods etc.
// To prevent roots being used in such recipes.

.Split trunk. "Board" (8) [effort:4] [phys:stance,arms] *TIMBERCRAFT* %10% /30/ |0|
{Tree trunk}      [remove] [ground] [noquality]    +'A trunk to split into halves'
{Axe}<Splitting axe>
// Usable as boards, used as bowstaves
// Brygun changed to 8 x 50 lbs as was 4 x 60 lbs

.Charcoal.  (50) "Firewood" [effort:3] [phys:arms,hands,stance] *TIMBERCRAFT* /60/ \5d\ |-1| [patch:5] [noquality]
{Slender trunk} (3)    [remove]          '+for a chimney' 
{Firewood}  (50)   [remove] [ground][patchwise]   '+piled around it'
{Shovel}<Shovel>                '+to cover it all in soil'
{Fire}                         '+lit nearby'
{Torch}                    '+to transfer the flame'
// From Rain's Ironworking mod v0.91

.Pitch glue.   "Hunting horn" [effort:2] [phys:arms,hands] *TIMBERCRAFT* /30/ \8h\ |-2| [noquality] [patch]
{*Pot}                      '+to collect the glue' 
{*birch-bark*}  #5#   [remove] [patchwise]      +'birch-bark'
{Shovel}<Shovel>                '+to cover it in soil'
{Firewood}  (10)   [remove] [patchwise][ground]   '+piled around it'
{Fire}                         '+lit nearby'


[SUBMENU_START:utility article]

.Twisted cord.       "Cord"      [phys:hands,one-armed] *HIDEWORKING* /45/ [patch]
{Fibre from *} #0.5#   [remove] [patchwise] 'fibre'   [name:%s cord] [naming:last word]

.Twisted and braided rope. "Rope"      [phys:hands,one-armed] *HIDEWORKING* %-10% /2h/ [patch:5]
{Fibre from *} #1#   [remove] [patchwise] 'fibre'   [name:%s rope] [naming:last word]

.Sauna scoop. [effort:2] [phys:arms,one-armed]      /90/   [noquality]      
{Block of wood} [remove]
{Axe}       <Carving axe>   

.Wooden tub.      [effort:2] [phys:arms,hands]       *CARPENTRY*   /4h/
{Board}   (6)      [remove]
{Split spruce twig} (8)   [remove] [noquality]
{Axe}<Carving axe>
{Knife}<Small knife>

.Net.          [effort:1] [phys:hands]         *HIDEWORKING*   /8h/
{*Cord}        (40)    [remove]      'Plant fiber cord'
{Slender trunk}   (2)    [noquality] [ground]    '+to support tying'
{* Birch-bark} (5)   [remove] [noquality]   '+to make floats'
{Rock}        (10)    [remove] [noquality]   '+for net weights'
{Knife} <Small knife>
// Excess weight because of working time constraints

//.Net weight vanillazation.    "Net"   /1/ %100%
//{Net}      [remove]

[SUBMENU_END:utility article]


.Clinkered Punt. "Punt"         [effort:2] [phys:hands]       *CARPENTRY*   /10h/
{Board}      (20)   [remove]
{Birch root}   (30)   [remove] [noquality]      '+for sewing'
{Pitch glue}   (10)   [remove] [noquality]      '+for sealing'
{Fire}             [noquality]      '+for applying glue'
{Axe}<Carving axe>
{Knife}<Small knife>



.Willow-bark. "Bark" [phys:hands,one-armed] [noquality]      /5/ [patch]
{[NEARBY_TILE:BUSHES]}             +'Bushes nearby'

.Alder-bark. "Bark" [phys:hands,one-armed] [noquality]      /10/ [patch]
{[NEARBY_TILE:ALDER]}                 +'Alder nearby'

.Fibre from bark. "Hunting horn" (7) [phys:hands,one-armed] *HIDEWORKING* %-20% /45/ [patch:5]
{*-bark}   #1#   [remove] [noquality] [patchwise] [name:Fibre from %s] [naming:original] 'willow or alder bark'
{Knife}             [noquality]

.Birch-bark lace. "Cord" [phys:stance,hands,one-armed] /20/ [noquality] [patch]
{[NEARBY_TILE:BIRCH]}               +'Birch nearby'
// This is a readily available general tying equipment.
// For any mod recipe that previously had {Tying equipment} requirement
// I recommend assessing if {*cord} 'Cord' would be better:
// Like bows, arrows, bags, nets, fishing rods etc.
// To prevent roots being used in such recipes.

.Fibre from birch-bark. "Hunting horn" (5) [phys:hands,one-armed] *HIDEWORKING* %-70% /1h/ [patch:5]
{*Birch-bark*}   #1#   [remove] [noquality] [patchwise] [name:Fibre from birch-bark] 'birch-bark'
{Knife}             [noquality]

.Birch-bark box. [phys:hands,one-armed] /1h/ [noquality]
{*Birch-bark*}   #1# [remove]

.Birch-bark backpack. "Birch-bark basket" [phys:hands,one-armed] /5h/ [noquality]
{*Birch-bark*}   #4#   [remove]

.Birch-bark basket. [phys:hands,one-armed] /5h/ [noquality]
{*Birch-bark*}   #5#   [remove]

.Birch-bark cap. [phys:hands,one-armed]   *HIDEWORKING*  %10% /90/ |-2|
{*Birch-bark*}   #2#   [remove]
{Knife}                [noquality]

.Birch-bark shoes. [phys:hands,one-armed]   *HIDEWORKING*  %10% /2h/ |-2|
{*Birch-bark*}    #3#   [remove]
{Knife}                [noquality]

.Birch-bark necklace. [phys:hands,one-armed]   *HIDEWORKING*  %-30% /6h/ |-2|
{*Birch-bark*}   #1# [remove]
{Knife}<Small knife>



.Dig clay. "Hunting Horn" [effort:2] [phys:arms,hands,stance]    *COMMON*   /1/ [noquality] [patch]
{[TERRAIN:lake river]}            'Lake or river (not rapids)'
{[TILE:Hole in the ground]}         'Pit for digging clay'
[NAME:clay lump]

.Dig clay from sea shore. "Hunting Horn" [effort:2] [phys:arms,hands,stance]    *COMMON*   /1/ [noquality] [patch]
{[TERRAIN:sea]}            'Sea shore'
{[TILE:Water]}            'Stand in water'
[NAME:clay lump]

.Clay pot. "Pot"   [effort:0] [phys:hands,one-armed]    *COMMON*    /30/ \3h\
{Clay lump}   (5)   [remove]

« Last Edit: December 15, 2018, 04:04:29 AM by Brygun »


« Reply #10 on: November 30, 2018, 03:45:44 AM »
Fixed a critical issue in my changes to the barkware. Using the weight #2# for two lbs got it to open the menu for selecting items. With the original (2) it was auto grabbing anything nearby including a worn birch-bark necklace and a birch-bark basket full of seeds.

Mentioning this here is also to alert other modders to favor using #n# weights rather than item counts


« Reply #11 on: November 30, 2018, 04:51:44 AM »
I just realized that since Bouidda included clay pots there isn't the build block I thought so I can switch that part to *pot. That >should< register the clay pots. The birch-bark change is still useful and tested out properly with my own gathering the entire tree's bark at once.

I'm also not entirely sure he wanted the clay pots to work for cooking but they would be heatable. Like a clay dutch oven.

« Last Edit: November 30, 2018, 04:53:22 AM by Brygun »


« Reply #12 on: December 01, 2018, 02:06:22 AM »
Added fur mask and a fur niska.

Niska is finnish for neck. It could be a scarf, a tube or a band of fur held together by a peg. Most importantly its on your neck for warmth and when bears bite you.

These two locations seemed a little unattended to in getting dressed for winter.


« Reply #13 on: December 01, 2018, 08:33:32 PM »
Added to the crafts under Earthernware diversity for the clay section.

Ever thought of making a healing herbal tea without using a full gallon of water? Well now you can have a "kettle" to make your "tea". Fairly light weight so you could carry one with you on your travels.

When doing agriculture threshing you can end up with some huge quantities. Game wise you can just have a huge dump of them in your cellar. Ive been trying to store them more properly. Now there is a larger clay vessel which thanks to the squared-cube law for area vs volumes is more efficient for you clay. It no longer works for cooking though so uses the base object tub. The tub in the name is there to be seen by other recipes looking for a tub. Amphora was selected as a name. Actual amphora varied a lot in size and shapes and it really can be seen as meaning a clay storage vessel with handles.

Others using or tweaking Bouidda are as always encouraged to add these to their mods. Kindly just mention my name in the comments somewhere.

.Clay kettle pot. "Pot" [effort:0] [phys:hands,one-armed] *COMMON*    /20/ \2h\
{Clay lump}   (2)   [remove]
//A smaller version sized for boiling teas and medicines

.Clay amphora tub. "Wooden Tub"   [effort:0] [phys:hands,one-armed] *COMMON*    /90/ \6h\
{Clay lump}   (15)   [remove]
//Inspired by amphora to hold large quantites.
//Tub in name to be seen by other recipes
//As a tub it isn't able to be used in cooking
//Good for storing the grains from threshin
//Used efficiency of scale on capacity vs weight


« Reply #14 on: December 01, 2018, 09:08:30 PM »
Oh why not!  ;D

There were amphora sometimes so big a worker could just manage to walk with it. This is on the scale of the sizes that would have been used by trade ships. When full it would weigh in at 152 lbs.

125 lb of water is ~15 gallons of fresh water.

.Clay large amphora tub. "Wooden Tub"   [effort:0] [phys:hands,one-armed] *COMMON*    /180/ \12h\
{Clay lump}   (45)   [remove]
//An amphora so big it will be about all you can carry when full
//125 lbs is about 15 gallons of fresh water

« Last Edit: December 01, 2018, 09:32:57 PM by Brygun »