// Mod by Brygun to add some additional items
//Current forum thread and discussions
//Old forum thread and dicussions
// Complements to other modders such as Rain's clothing and Endive's self sufficiency
// for their excellent lead work
// and of course Saami for the Unreal World
// Permission given to include this in other mod packs provided
// a comment line is made the item came from Brygun
// You may reassign the items to other menus if you wish.
// Version history now at end of the file
// <<Controlling Menu Duplication Fixes>>
// This mod now includes some "fixes"
// To turn off the mod you can leave the game running
// Just dont be in the craft menu. Just be at a normal screen
// Change to a window of the game directory
// Rename the diy_Brygunadd in some way
// I suggest an extra d in the front to keep alphabetical sort
// Go back to game and open craft menu, my mod list will be gone
// and the normal craft object menu will be correct
// To activate my mod rename back to diy_Brygunadd
// When the craft menu is opened mine will appear (assuming
// you have the my menu_def file in place)
// The duplicate items will likely be blocked by my recipes
// That is why you need to turn this mod off at times
[SUBMENU_START:Added items]
.Fur Mask. "Leather cuirass" [effort:2] [effort:2] [phys:hands] *HIDEWORKING* /30/
{Animal hide} #1# [remove] [name:%s Fur Mask] '+furs'
{Tying equipment} (1) [remove] '+tie on cord'
{Knife} <small knife> '+Shape eye and breathing holes'
.Fur Niska. "Fur cap" [effort:2] [effort:2] [phys:hands] *HIDEWORKING* /30/
{Animal hide} #1# [remove] [name:%s Fur Niska] '+furs'
{Knife} <small knife> '+Shape eye and breathing holes'
.Leather Paws. "Fur mittens" [effort:2] [phys:arms] *HIDEWORKING* /90/
{Leather} #1# [remove] [name:%s Leather Paws]
{Tying equipment} (2) [remove] '+for seams'
{Knife} 'A knife for shaping the work'
//there is some debate whether iron age Finland had five fingered gloves
//I use the term paw to represent a hand covering with a name the game
//still lets you wear with mittens. This gives 2 layers for winter.
//Increased time due to complexity of seams
.Leather Laced Shoes. "Leather shoes" [effort:2] [phys:arms] *HIDEWORKING* /60/ %10%
{Leather} #1# [remove] [name:%s Leather Laced Shoes]
{Tying equipment} (2) [remove] '+for laces'
{Knife} 'A knife for shaping the work'
//Small skill bonus on account of being able to have a bigger hole closed by laces
.Wooden shield. "Roundshield" [effort:2] [phys:arms] *CARPENTRY* /180/ %-15%
{Slender trunk} [remove] [ground] '+for handle shaft'
{Board} (4) [remove] [ground]
{Axe} <Carving axe>
//Norse style shield with no rim
//Would prefer to lower the quality a step vs normal roundshield
//Small skill penalty on account of no iron rim. Not a heavy penalty as this
//style of shield still has combat uses. Enemy weapon might jam in the wood only edge.
.Wooden buckler. "Buckler" [effort:2] [phys:arms] *CARPENTRY* /90/ %-15%
{Slender trunk} [remove] [ground] '+for handle shaft'
{Board} (2) [remove] [ground]
{Axe} <Carving axe>
//Smaller wooden shield
.Root Rope. "Rope" [effort:2] [phys:hands] *SURVIVAL* /2h/ |-1| %15%
{Rock} '+for digging and shaping'
{Stone} '+for braiding tension'
//Represents digging out surface roots which are semiflexible
//then braiding them up with a stone weight for tension
//price reduced
//Birch-bark recipes are now a bit dated
//currently deactivated to avoid duplication overwrites
//Birch-bark Necklace
//build existing
//.Birch-bark Necklace. *TIMBERCRAFT* [effort:2] [phys:arms] /15/
//{Bark} #3# [remove]
//{Tying equipment} (1) [remove] '+to tie parts together'
//Birch-bark Shoes
//build existing
//.Birch-bark Shoes. *TIMBERCRAFT* [effort:2] [phys:arms] /45/
//{Bark} #3# [remove]
//Birch-bark Cap
//build existing
//.Birch-bark Cap. *TIMBERCRAFT* [effort:2] [phys:arms] /30/
//{Bark} #3# [remove]
.Oakum. "Branch" [effort:1] [phys:arms] *CARPENTRY* %30% /60/
{Hemp} #1# [remove] '+base fibre'
//Update to correct material source of hemp
//Fibers are labouriously picked out to create loose matting
.Sealed Wooden Tub. "Wooden tub" [effort:2] [phys:arms] *CARPENTRY* /180/
{Board} (3) [remove]
{Bark} #1# [remove] '+sap to mix with the oakum'
{Oakum} (1) [remove]'+packed into the joints'
{Axe} <Carving axe> '+for main shaping'
{Knife} '+for fine whittling and pressing the oakum'
//Mortise and tenon joints packed with oakum and sticking sap to seal it.
//Board size set to 3 as each board is 20 lbs.
//One board splits in two for the bottom
//Two boards broken into short lengths to form the sides.
//Birch Bark section
//Birch trees are in game. As of 3.17b4 we still can't peel their bark.
//In groves Birch appears with Adler around. Perhaps a few tiles away.
//Therefore the best access I have is to use the "bark" meant for Adler/Rowan
//as a material input for birch bark.
//.Hollowed wood for water. "Rock"
.Upper block tub. "Wooden tub" [effort:2] [phys:arms] *Carpentry* /30/ \180\ %-30%
{Block of wood} (1) [remove]
{Fire} '+lit nearby'
//Fire used to weaken upper core of wood the cut out a hole
.Half block tub. "Wooden tub" [effort:3] [phys:arms] *Carpentry* /120/ \180\ %-30%
{Upper block tub} (1) [remove]
{Axe} <Carving axe> '+removing charred core'
{Fire} '+lit nearby'
//Dig out upper core then fire used to weaken lower core of wood
.Deep block tub. "Wooden tub" [effort:3] [phys:arms] *Carpentry* /120/ %-30%
{Half block tub} (1) [remove]
{Axe} <Carving axe>
//Dig out lower core.
//Hefty skill penalty to keep quality down to avoid selling exploint
.Block pot. "Pot" [effort:1] [phys:arms] *COMMON* /1/ %-30%
{Deep block tub} (1) [remove]
{Rock} (4) [remove] '+to be fire heated then put in the pot'
//Can not model needing to reheat the rocks.
//Hefty skill penalty to keep quality down
//Add rocks for the heating process. Heat the rocks in a fire then put them inside.
.Washed Bandage. "Bandage" [effort:1] [noquality] *COMMON* /10/
{Rock} '+Use only to retun applied bandage'
{Water} #0.5# '+Washing water'
//Supports for Rain's Ironworking. Remove the comment // from those you want to use
//Unreal world currently limits to only having only one recipe
//so these start as 'off' by the comment marks to let you build
//the first ones.
//the idea is to make second anvil/hammer of better quality
//once you already have the first one.
//.Build second anvil/hammer. "Rock"
//.Anvil. "Stone" [effort:4] [phys:arms,hands,stance] *CARPENTRY* /4h/ %30%
//{Bloom of Iron} (5) [remove]
//{Charcoal} (10) [remove] [ground]
//{Fire} '+lit nearby'
//{Block of wood} [remove] '+for a base'
//{Axe} <Carving axe>
//{Anvil} [ground] [noquality] '+existing anvil'
//{Hammer} [noquality]
//.Hammer. "Mace" [effort:1] [phys:arms,hands,stance] *CARPENTRY* /3h/ %30%
//{Bloom of Iron} (2) [remove]
//{Charcoal} (6) [remove] [ground]
//{Fire} '+lit nearby'
//{Hammer} [noquality] '+to pound it'
//{Anvil} [ground] '+nearby'
//{Wooden Stake} [remove] '+for a handle'
//To fix bloom naming errors that occur sometimes in the
// Rain/Lasse Self Sufficiency mod
//.Bloom of Iron. "Rock" [effort:1] *Common* |-1| /1/
//{Smelt Iron} [remove]
//In case your Bog Iron got used as a 'stone' in construction
//.Bog Iron. "Stone" [effort:1] [noquality] /1/
[SUBMENU_END:Added items]
//.Canoe making steps. "Rock"
//Birch-bark Canoe
//Being Canadian canoes are a familiar item.
//There is no evidence that iron age finalnd used canoes
//Rather they used skin boats (punt), dug out canoes
//and perhaps rowing only clinker built boats
//This alternate punt was also an early mod showing
//multi stage production
//compared to dugout canoe meant to take less time and use a knife not axe
//this lets us have another route to a light craft
//Note the overall time is much lower than in real life to keep consistent with
//other watercraft. It is also a smaller one person canoe.
//Weight is based on
https://www.canadianoutdoorequipment.com/13ft-traditional-algonquin-birchbark-canoe.html// and
http://www.barkcanoe.com/birchbark.htm.Tree Roll of Birch-bark. "Block of wood" *TIMBERCRAFT* [effort:3] [phys:arms] /2h/
{Tree Trunk} [ground] [remove] [noquality] '+please choose a birch'
{Knife} 'A knife for peeling'
//Represents a very big piece of bark
.Opened Birch Roll. "Board" *TIMBERCRAFT* [effort:2] [phys:arm] /60/ \36h\
{Tree Roll of Birch} [remove]
{Slender trunk} [remove] [ground] (2) '+to press each side'
{Wooden stake} [remove] [ground] (4) '+horizontal braces'
{Branch} [remove] [ground] (20) '+pegging inside and out'
{Stone} (
![Cool 8)](http://www.unrealworld.fi/forums/Smileys/default/cool.gif)
[ground] '+apply weight'
{Knife} 'A knife for shaping the work'
//put the stones in to open it and go do others things a while
//not to be moved while forming
.Birch-bark punt. "Punt" *TIMBERCRAFT* [effort:2] [phys:arms] /4h/ \1h\
{Opened Birch Roll} [remove]
{Staff} (2) [remove] '+for top edges'
{Board} (2) [remove] '+seat and end caps'
{Wooden stake} (30) [remove] '+curved ribs'
{Bark} #3# [remove] '+sealing with sap/pitch'
{Tying equipment} (2) [remove] '+for bow and stern'
{Knife} 'A knife for shaping the work'
//Price roughly 1/2 punt and 1-1 with weight
//Added 1 hour drying time to let the sealing set
//Renaming conversion if you had an older version
//.Birch-bark punt. "Punt" /1/
//{Birch-bark Canoe} [remove] [ground]
//Brygun's presentation of a leather punt
// I see the half the stakes used to make the U shaped ribs. The others are used to make the rim.
//The leather is sewn into a big sheet, tied around the rim and under the U ribs. Leather is trimmed. In a circular punt the seat is near where the U ribs come together. In a box punt the seat is often higher to help keep the ribs spread. I like to use Bark as sticky sealant though other mods might use their local pitch_glue or whatever they have to seal the seams against leaks.
.Leather Punt. "Punt" *CARPENTRY* /6h/ |2| [phys:arms, stance] [EFFORT:2]
{Leather} #30# [ground] [remove] '+shell'
{Tying equipment} (3) [ground] [remove] '+attach leather'
{Wooden stake}(16) [ground] [remove] '+supporting rim'
{Board} (1) [ground] [remove] '+seat'
{Bark} #3# [ground] [remove] '+sticky sealant'
{Axe}<Carving axe>
{Knife}<Small knife>
.Clay kettle pot. "Pot" [effort:0] [phys:hands,one-armed] *COMMON* /20/ \2h\
{Clay lump} (2) [remove]
//A smaller version sized for boiling teas and medicines
.Clay amphora tub. "Wooden Tub" [effort:0] [phys:hands,one-armed] *COMMON* /90/ \6h\
{Clay lump} (15) [remove]
//Inspired by amphora to hold large quantites.
//Tub in name to be seen by other recipes
//As a tub it isn't able to be used in cooking
//Good for storing the grains from threshing
//Used efficiency of scale on capacity vs weight
.Clay large amphora tub. "Wooden Tub" [effort:0] [phys:hands,one-armed] *COMMON* /180/ \12h\
{Clay lump} (45) [remove]
//An amphora so big it will be about all you can carry when full
//125 lbs is about 15 gallons of fresh water
// Version notes
// v0.1 Learned syntax to make Leather gauntlets
// v0.2 25Jul2013 - expanded beyond to wood shield, primitive pot/tub, sealed tub
// add name:%s for leather
// v0.2b fixed note from primitive cord to soaked branches,
// longer to dig out the primitive block tub to balance option for other tubs
// v0.3 added skill modifiers here and there. added birch barks, starting decorative
// v0.4 added wooden buckler, shift oakum to take hemps
// v0.41 added primitive rope string
// v0.42 added 2nd anvil and 2nd hammer
// v0.5 added bandage return, re ordered some entries
// increased time to make birch bark canoe, renamed canoe steps
// reviewed and changed effort generally higher
// v.51 returning a bandage adjusted, this avoids recipe jamming
// v.52 adjusted after tests to washed bandage,
// fix for smelt of iron and bog iron got used
// mod on/off instructions added
// v1.0 23April2017 improved use of 3.3 era code for the clothing
// Rains iron support items 'off' by comments to avoid confusing with other mods
// v1.1 27Nov2018 began adding commands like weight and price
// adjustments now avaiable from base game updates
// Canoe recipe and weight changes with more [remove] tags
// v1.11 28Nov2018 corrected for changes in names.
// Canoe times increased
// Price on primitive types dropped
// Root rope now needs nearby spruce rather than branches
// My birch bark items deactivated to avoid conflicts
// with Boudica
// Changes underway with block tubs and pot using new commands
// 01Dec2018 Moved canoe making steps to the transport menu
// My clay additions now appear here and will appear in Bouidda's earthware menu
// Leather punt added to make -> transport menu