Topic: Helpers: 1) turn felled trees into logs 2) continue paused  (Read 9589 times)


« on: November 25, 2018, 02:56:04 AM »
This has probably, almost certainly, been asked of before.

It would be helpful if hired workers could be instructed to convert nearby already felled trunks into logs. The conversion to logs seems to take 3 times as long as felling a tree. This would be an addition so the helper could be set to fell trunks then asked to log convert nearby already felled trunks.

It might also help if they could continue nearby paused building works. There are too many options to just have them start on their own. The player could start and abort, or fatigue out, to have a helper finish the task.

Tom H

« Reply #1 on: November 26, 2018, 07:04:42 PM »
This has probably, almost certainly, been asked of before.

It would be helpful if hired workers could be instructed to convert nearby already felled trunks into logs. The conversion to logs seems to take 3 times as long as felling a tree. This would be an addition so the helper could be set to fell trunks then asked to log convert nearby already felled trunks.

It might also help if they could continue nearby paused building works. There are too many options to just have them start on their own. The player could start and abort, or fatigue out, to have a helper finish the task.

I'd suggest that only WOODSMEN be given the log conversion option. It's their area of expertise, eh? The downside to these suggestions is that your character will not gain experience from doing the job, himself. Following up on your suggestions, though, perhaps only craftsmen should have the building skill. Logging and building are not the same.


« Reply #2 on: November 26, 2018, 07:49:53 PM »
@Tom H: It would be logical for craftsmen to be builders (although they're probably mostly crafting things), but as it currently stands they all refuse to be hired...

Tom H

« Reply #3 on: November 27, 2018, 05:27:17 AM »
Palu- Aye. I was reaching for some rational reasons to hire types of Companions, other than as generic meat shields (for which I happily use them!).

Ara D.

« Reply #4 on: November 30, 2018, 05:42:23 PM »
 Apologies in advance if what I suggest is a programmer nightmare I know nothing about it so I know nothing about what is feasible. Could it be done that you talk to companion have an option like I want you too.. then key board  command for task and then targeting where.  It would allow for lots of other tasks like skinning and butchering