Topic: Shaman won't heal me  (Read 24735 times)


« on: August 06, 2017, 06:37:53 PM »
Hello guys.

I have this problem wherein the shaman from a village doen't want to teach me rituals, or even heal me. i get the "Bah! I'm not in the mood of helping you with that" line of dialogue. And i don't know how to change it. It probably got like that after i've been a big fidgety with a few trades. I didn't pay right away, and one time i simply cancelled the trade because i didn't have enough valuable goods, so after that, all the villagers started calling me a "frequent nuisance". And that's when the shaman stopped offering me his services too.

Thing is that now i did some communal work for the village. I crafted some weapons and boards, and gave them for free, which improved my relations with the villagers until they started calling me "frequent guest" and then "kaumolais man". But the shaman still refuses to help me.

So what should i do? I'm in a sort of predicament, as well, because i got in a fight with some bandits, and now i can't even stand up due to the injuries, and the shaman doesn't want to heal me.


« Reply #1 on: August 06, 2017, 07:10:23 PM »
Without knowing the injury it's hard to guess,
Time and deeds as you've shown will improve your reputation with the villagers.
IF the injury CAN be treated by a shaman you could just go to a different village's shaman.
To help is it's own reward.
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« Reply #2 on: August 06, 2017, 07:16:03 PM »
Privateer posted while I typed, so there's overlap...

There are at least two reputation levels: one with the village, and one with individuals. Apparently you've managed to get on their really bad side (I've never been worse than Kaumolais man, which, in my case, seemed worse than frequent guest). Like you, I have been able to improve a poor village reputation (setting a bird trap on what happened to be their pasture), but not the reputation with the character who refused to speak with my character.
I'd suggest going to a different village, and declare this one more or less dud for the time being. It can also be noted that UrW healing isn't magic, so the only effect you'd get from the healer's attention is a slightly faster recovery.
As far as I understand, an injury can have a maximum penalty of 25, and it takes roughly one day to reduce the penalty by one step. With first rate care, you might get completely healed after 20 days, but with your own skills it would probably be around 25 (I guess some stats (endurance?) might come into play as well. If you're not treating the wounds at all, e.g. because you don't have any bandages, and don't want to risk bleeding to death because of opening wounds when trying, I guess recovery takes longer (add 5 days at a guess). Also note that functionality lost because of injury is regained before the injury is completely healed (I don't remember when, probably at 5 or 10).
You should also know that injury treatment can be performed daily, so using the shaman would mean daily visits to the village.
If I was in your shoes, I'd do things that do not require standing (various kinds of crafting [including bandages...], for instance), and keep close to the homestead. The final hide treatment stage requires standing, so any hides you get should either be discarded or preserved for later processing.

If you want to try to regain the favor of the shaman I would try to give him herbs (note that I've never tried it) using the "I have something for you" option. You might try other gifts as well. If you do, please report back on the results, as it would be useful knowledge.


« Reply #3 on: August 06, 2017, 09:08:27 PM »
Thanks for the wealth of information

As luck would have it, i did manage to get on the shaman's good side again, not long after posting this. I switched from giving gifts to just plain trading with the villagers, and this time i was more careful to not upset them, and pay right away. Then after a couple of successful trades everybody was calling me by name again, and the shaman accepted to heal me and teach me rituals. Kinda pointless, though, because there was still no change in the state of my injuries (i have a fractured eye, neck, and a crushed knee, all around orange-ish, because they did slowly heal naturally from the red state). But i will go to him daily and see if that helps a bit more. Also, my physician skill is rather low, and i don't have any bandages, because i can't quite grasp how to get cloth material. The bandits also stole all my clothes, and i'm butt naked. It's summertime now, so that's not a problem, but i would like to get some clothes eventually. Any tips about that?

Also, it's weird that after my second gift to the village, i actually managed to drop from "frequent guest" to "Kaumolais Man", but that's probably because the second time i gave them some low quality boards. So if the gift is bad, it might actually make them more upset (as one would expect in real life, actually).


« Reply #4 on: August 06, 2017, 10:17:51 PM »
 The bandits also stole all my clothes, and i'm butt naked. It's summertime now, so that's not a problem, but i would like to get some clothes eventually. Any tips about that?

 i gave them some low quality boards.

 If you can make boards you should have little issue trading for furs or leather to make cloths or even cloths themselves where available.
To help is it's own reward.
Mods:;area=showposts;sa=attach;u=10 Player Quests, Arrow quiver, Bee hives honey & mead, Massive menus, Fish Farmer, Combat trainer, Player made markers, Weaving, Wood stacks, Chicken coop Fish cuts, string&bone.


« Reply #5 on: August 07, 2017, 12:32:11 AM »
Clothing can be gotten from trading, hides, killed bandits/njerps, and crafting using mods adding that functionality (and the source materials, i.e. wool or plant materials that can be spun). My characters generally keep the best njerp stuff for themselves and make everything else into bandages (using the healing skill daily on the wounds gotten by a failed bandit encounter can use up a decent pile of bandages).


« Reply #6 on: August 07, 2017, 01:59:25 PM »
Well i did manage to get a gray seal leather for 33 javelins, 15 inferior boards, 10 shovels and a squirrel fur. I literally had to push them into the tent, because they were too heavy to carry. That skin is expensive as shit!