Topic: unusual plants  (Read 13299 times)


« on: June 27, 2018, 02:01:08 AM »
so, i keep finding unusual plants. berries, grasses, mushrooms, just about anything.

i even farm one, i'm farming something i don't know what it actually is.

the question is, how do i get to know what plants these are?

also, if i plant turnips at around midsummer point, is that in time for a second harvest? the turnips are done much sooner then the rest.

and do spare seeds have any trading value? do they ever spoil?


« Reply #1 on: June 27, 2018, 06:14:41 AM »
Use the herblore skill to identify the plant and what it does.  Some plants and mushrooms are poisonous.  Some have to be boiled separately to not be poisonous.  Here is a listing of all the base game plants

Generally speaking yes.  See the agriculture wiki here:

Someone else will have to answer the TV and spoilage.  As far as I can tell, they're pretty cheap for trading and therefore not worth it (but you can buy crop seed like rye, barley, beans and peas easily).  I haven't seem any spoil for over a year in game, but others have played much longer in game. I tended to restart each version and am a slow player.
I know threshed turnips spoil...


« Reply #2 on: June 27, 2018, 10:45:52 AM »
Herb lore is trained by trying to identify plants that aren't 100% identified, so keep trying and the skill will eventually increase (it's hard to get it to 100%, because you tend to run out of plants to train on... but when you know everything about every plant there's no practical reason to increase the skill). There's some kind of timeout for identification attempts, but attempts can be made many times per day, although the maximum number of actual increases per day is 3 as for all skills.

I've never seen any seeds spoil (nor have I seen turnips spoil, even after sitting for years as bait in traps).


« Reply #3 on: June 27, 2018, 08:20:32 PM »
Herblore is trained by trying to identify plants that aren't 100% identified, so keep trying and the skill will eventually increase (it's hard to get it to 100%, because you tend to run out of plants to train on... but when you know everything about every plant there's no practical reason to increase the skill). There's some kind of timeout for identification attempts, but attempts can be made many times per day, although the maximum number of actual increases per day is 3 as for all skills.

I've never seen any seeds spoil (nor have I seen turnips spoil, even after sitting for years as bait in traps).

fixed for you
Seeds do have values but villager will not accept them as payment saying 'Those aren't needed'.
« Last Edit: June 27, 2018, 08:23:11 PM by davidor »


« Reply #4 on: June 28, 2018, 12:27:55 AM »
thanks guys, i've taken your advices into account, i now use those unidentified plants i'm growing to train herblore, wich already went up 2 points in 2 weeks. so it should be a matter of time, one day i will find out what i'm doing!

and it's a bit of a shame that seeds are not wanted, it would be nice if you could sell seeds to a village that doesn't have those plants.

i'll see if i can use seeds to feed chickens in the chicken mod, otherwise i'll see if i can adjust the mod. i know my chickens eat just about any seed i give em irl.

and yea i know turnips spoil eventually, but that's not a real problem since i eat them before that happens. a turnip a day keeps the shaman away. but if the seeds spoil i'll need a system to get rid of my old spoiled seeds.

a final question, if i let my dogs patrol the plants, do they eat/damage them? traps do well enough against hares and birds, but so far a quarter of my beans are gone, and they ain't even done.


« Reply #5 on: June 28, 2018, 02:23:25 AM »
The wiki had mentioned footprints wearing away plants, but I haven't seen it happen yet.  I have two dogs penned in my small crop area.  (Don't know how it'll be when I fence in a map square) I haven't had any problems or birds/small mammals eating away at it.

Also, for the growable herbs, I haven't seen anything try to eat them yet.

In the wild, I've so far seen eaten milkweed and heather but we can't grow those.


« Reply #6 on: June 28, 2018, 08:48:51 AM »

and yea i know turnips spoil eventually, but that's not a real problem since i eat them before that happens. a turnip a day keeps the shaman away. but if the seeds spoil i'll need a system to get rid of my old spoiled seeds.

seed dont get spoiled. so, no worry for version 3.50.  :)

