Two important things to help us get along better with the spirits in the upcoming patch:
- balanced: forest spirit's attitude in regards to hunted animals - size and significance matters
When an animal is felled the forest spirit's mood change and need for compensation by sacrifices
now depends on the size and significance of the animal. Previously almost all the killed animals
were valued equally by the spirits which resulted in small game hunters often receiving unreasonable
disgrace. Now it is far more tolerable to hunt smaller game and get along with only casual sacrifices
every now and then.
- fixed: only one sacrifice allowed per day
If any kind of sacrifice to any spirit was performed even the different kind of sacrifices during the
same day were considered excess. This was not intentional, and is now fixed back to normal:
You can perform multiple sacrifices on daily basis as long as they are targeted at different
spirits, ie. forest or water spirit, or if the act of sacrificing is a part of unique spell.
These are future additions not yet functional in current version 3.50 (stable).