Hello, I'm a long time fan from BAC comunity and auto suficiency like mods for unreal world..
I would like to know if you wold like to develop a major upgrade to physician or medical skill in Unreal world.
In old times of humanity development, the major death cause besides hunger and violence (two of the causes we VEterans of the game learn to avoid if we don't act stupid) were Diseases.. the majority of the people in iron age didn't pass thorough their fourthyes.. due to INfluenza, tuberculosis, and other respiratory or infectuos diseases.. sepsis from a scrach... organ failure due to poisoning acute or chronic like Lead poisoning (many pots where made from this metal) over years of accumullation... hearing and sight loss from bad healed infections or trauma.. parasites seeping from your nutrition pool (bad cooking ability doens't kill parasites), and other component in long term (years) survival
Where I want to get...
I'm a physician (i Can mail you my certifications), and I have a initial knowledge in the language for programming used in the Unreal World Game..
I would like to know if you have interest to form a partnership with me to do something in the way as i've written above..
Do you have interest? As a non money profit project?
Sorry for bad english (I'm brazilian) and still learning the language