:An Update:
I spent the day disassembling all my traps and then packed up trade goods and supplies for a winter trip to the Kaumo region. My current homestead is in the west, near a river and lakes just to the north of the Driik region.
On my way to the Kaumo region, I encountered a winter bear in the southern edge of the Kiesse region. I killed the bear, made a sacrifice, completed the bear skull rite, and set about to process the fur and meat. I saved some of the meat to offer as a general sacrifice over the next few days. Everything was fine and I went from "comfortable" to "at ease" after a short time.
Then while moving through the Kiesse villages, I encountered a winter elk and brought it down. I tried the same strategy (general sacrifice and save cuts to continue to offer) set cuts to dry outside a building. I moved to a nearby lake, set the fur to tan, and slept in a shelter. The next day, I woke up to the message, "The forest around looks frightening."
I don't know what is happening. I had assumed the ability to please the spirits was a factor/property of my character. However, is pleasing the spirits based on geography? Do the various named zones have different spirits that must be appeased? Am I offering sacrifice to some spirits only to wander into a different region who didn't benefit from previous sacrifices?