Cord can be made from leather and hide, as well as clothes. Don't use ropes unless the recipe calls for it, as it requires a lot more resources and is overkill for a lot of uses. Note that using cords (or rope) for drying and smoking destroys the cord, so don't waste precious resources on it (presumably juices get into the cord, making it stiff and brittle so it can't be reused).
Hunting birds with rocks can help you early on. Light lever traps can be built to catch birds that give a rather small amount of leather and a small amount of food for a lot of work, but it's part of my starting strategy.
One problem with javelin hunting is that it hurts the hide quite a lot, but that's a small problem early on when the hide working skill is poor (so the damage doesn't matter, as you can't make better hides anyway).
Endurance hunting is my main active hunting strategy (I mostly use passive hunting, i.e. traps), i.e. keep following the animal using tracking and try to get it to run back and forth along a river (as mentioned).
For future gameplay questions, there's a sub forum for that purpose.