The way I see it, it could work like wading/swimming. When you enter a wading hex, you wade, in deeper water, you swim. No input needed if you have the toggle set for that.
I'd see sitting the same way. you put you character on a bench and they sit.
As for modeling, you'd need 4 sitting positions. Knees up to the right/left and knees down to the right/left. Modeling this would not be hard, adding them to the tile sheet may be an issue if it has limits on size.
For programming, it's a new stance. This might be the tricky one, I don't know how much would be involved there.
All in all, it's a little thing - nice visually and handy on occasion. If there's a choice to be made (timewise) I'd rather have Textilecraft and Tailoring skills added, but these are already on the development list and sitting was not - and this is the place for suggestions, is it not?
- Shane
Edit: I'm an idiot - you'd only need two - facing left and facing right. Knees up when facing left, knees down for right. Your character looks left for SW, W, NW and N while looking right for NE, E, SE and S.
Be better if the furniture got turned 90 degrees, though. The way you sleep on a bed looks downright bad for your back.