I believe you can give companions "stuff" and then take it back later. Note that it's been a long time since I think I've done that, so don't trust me on that one.
Also note that dogs have some carrying capacity, in case you've got one (or more) with you.
Another strategy is to leave the non perishable stuff behind (e.g. bones, horns, teeth, skulls) and return to pick those up later when the time sensitive things have been dealt with. Meat left behind can be used as dog food if it spoils before you can get it, so it still has some use.
To find your way back you can mark the location on the overland map, and since I'm a lazy bugger I bring everything up there and drop the items up there so I don't have to search for it should an animal or similar thing cause me to zoom in to a different place from the one I zoomed out from.