8bg8: 8th of Death month, temperature 1/4 red, wandered around
8bg9: temperature full blue 0 red, still wandering around. Nikke is only 7 days old, maybe newer characters have less accumulated weather data to go silly, though the other characterrs where I didn't notice it going to silly for the first week were older than this so maybe not!
8bga: temperature still full blue
8bgb: noon, temperature still full blue, it starts to snow
8bgd: snow has stopped, wasn't enough snow to stick, temperature still full blue
8bgh: did some fishing, snowed a little more then stopped, temperature stayed full blue
9bga: throughout the night, the temperature got a little colder and then a little warmer, now it's about 90% blue and a thin ice that I can break in 30 seconds has formed over the river.
abg8: temperature has stayed about the same, 90% blue with only slight variations
cbg9: temperature has been about the same for the lsat couple days, now it's up to about 10% red. still normal.
dbg1: just woke up in the rain in the middle of the night, temperature is suddenly 100% red. Nikke is now 11 days old. Saved the game.
Now I will make some brand new characters.