Hi. I would love thoughts on the weight of these four "full body" armors for my magic mod. The goal would be:
* They are lighter than full coverage from that armor type would otherwise be, but not crazily-so.
* They are relatively balanced with regard to each other.
Appreciate any thoughts.
(Sacrifices will also be required, but I haven't put that in yet).
.Druid's Barkskin. "Leather cuirass" /1/ [effort:1] [phys:hands]
{[NEARBY_TILE:mountain]} +'Pray at the Shrine'
{Fire} +'Sacrificial Fire'
[ARMOUR_COVERAGE:skull face neck shoulder upper_arm elbow forearm hand thorax abdomen hip groin thigh knee calf foot]
.Druid's Woolskin. "Leather cuirass" /1/ [effort:1] [phys:hands]
{[NEARBY_TILE:mountain]} +'Pray at the Shrine'
{Fire} +'Sacrificial Fire'
[ARMOUR_COVERAGE:skull face neck shoulder upper_arm elbow forearm hand thorax abdomen hip groin thigh knee calf foot]
.Druid's Leatherskin. "Leather cuirass" /1/ [effort:1] [phys:hands]
{[NEARBY_TILE:mountain]} +'Pray at the Shrine'
{Fire} +'Sacrificial Fire'
[ARMOUR_COVERAGE:skull face neck shoulder upper_arm elbow forearm hand thorax abdomen hip groin thigh knee calf foot]
.Druid's Furskin. "Leather cuirass" /1/ [effort:1] [phys:hands]
{[NEARBY_TILE:mountain]} +'Pray at the Shrine'
{Fire} +'Sacrificial Fire'
[ARMOUR_COVERAGE:skull face neck shoulder upper_arm elbow forearm hand thorax abdomen hip groin thigh knee calf foot]