Do you purchase the wood in the video? Or do you chop it yourself? Do you need a license for cutting wood?
In Finland most of the woodlands are privately owned. And a forest owner doesn't need a special license to cut down trees in one's own woodlands. Yet, some level or regulation and bureaucracy does apply, but that is more like filing a yearly report of how much timber one has taken for private use.
That is the general situation, considering the way the society and legislation works in Finland. But personally I don't own any woodlands, I only have a small patch of yard. So the logs I'm carving in that video are storm-felled trees from neighbour's forest. The forest owner gave them for me for free, as they were afraid that if the fallen trees are left to rot in the forest bed that will boost insect and fungi which will then spread to nearby trees killing them.
Was thinking about a small cabin, I don't have the skills to build it, tho your videos make it look easy
I think the basics of builing a log cabin are pretty simple if one has the basic skills of handling an axe. But to really make it tight and winter-proof, that requires some experience and advanced skills, I think.