I hired a companion just now and we saw a small forest reindeer so I asked him to kill it. The reindeer didn't move or flee and we were able to walk right up to it and kill it. Not sure what happened there. Then I asked the companion to skin it. He said he would do his best. I decided to skin it too, while he was working. I got a 9lb harsh forest reindeer skin, and he got a 10 lb forest reindeer skin. Then I asked him to butcher it (it's possible my prior "skin and butcher command" was still in effect but anyway, i asked him again). Again I decided to "help" him butcher it. The timer counted up and down, I think because we were both working on the same creature and it got confused. I wound up with 83 forest reindeer cuts and my companion got 32 forest reindeer cuts, which is a lot more than I would expect for a small forest reindeer in late winter.
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