Alright. I'm new to this and I'm kinda worn out because I spent the entire day's free time obsessively working this mod.
It's a rework of Buoiddicca's Crafts. Trimming a few bits here and there and generally trying to make it work better. I added a sort-of glue system and I also modified a few of the primitive tools so you can have a bit of an easier life when you're stuck without an axe or a knife made of iron.
Amazingly enough, all this shit started because I wanted to make living without using Iron a tangible thing, and it just escalated from there. off, make a backup of your "diy_glossary' and "biy_glossary"
then take the files from my folder and dump them into your Unreal World folder. It's crazy alpha, I'll have you know. I want any and all bug reports regarding this