All right, I finished my first bird thief quest earlier and got myself a Hare's Paw, which is supposed to be applied to anything I attempt to do to boost the luck of that attempt. It'll wear down over time apparently, so does anyone have information on how well it works, or how long it lasts? I'm just happy to have something other than 5 hides worth of trade goods, but it'd be cool if it works too.
ALSO, I led a lost trapper to a village near the beginning of this character and he didn't give me the traditional semi-useless mini ritual we discussed at some length on the previous forum. Instead, he taught me some tracking secrets, and told me I'd know when it was helping. I did. I didn't track anything once until getting the skill boost from the game course, 70 up to 90 (!). First time I went to hunt something, the skill went from 90 to 93 in the same day, which is insane, and it hasn't gone up again since. I also got the same quest reward later, but for swords, just don't have a sword yet to use it. I'm curious if anyone else has been getting these skill booster rewards, and if they can be applied to ANY skill, or just good ones like I was getting...