Slender trunk wood types and their effect on item crafting.
Wood type being derived from the raw materials into certain crafts.
Separate menu for modded items.
These are things that have been on the table lately, and they've kept me quite occupied - as I expected.
Lots of code re-write, lots of checking and adjusting with the existing content, and several little spin-off features emerged from these additions
but now we're in a good situation where these can be wrapped up - and then move onto other features.
You'll be seeing the full potential and effect on the gameplay in the next version, and now let's wrap this post up with a few screenshots and remarks of these additions.
Sara is crafting wood slats, with an intention to make arrow shafts from them - and there are several additions to be seen in the screenshot. Firstly, we'll see that birch is now also a preferred wood type, in addition to pine. As a result the best wood slats, and the arrow shafts thereof, are now made of pine and birch.
But here Sara goes making her wood slats from spruce, which is also doable, although the highest quality results can't be expected.
Sara has been making some wood slats from slender spruce and birch trunks and is now crafting arrow shafts.Here you can see that Sara's inventory shows wood slats described by their wood type rather than the generic name. This is the new wood types in effect.
Certain applicable timber type items now derive the original wood type from the materials used.
Notice also that the material requirements dialog now shows the actual item name, "Arrow shaft", rather than previously seen generic "Craft an item".
Sara goes exploring some modded stuff in the newly added mOdded items make menu.Modded handcrafts menu is blank to start with, and here there are two item categories defined. Notice that r[e]peat option at the bottom-right of the screen now also
tells the exact item name for repeated crafting, marked with (mod) prefix to indicate this specific item was crafted from modded handcrafts menu.