Topic: [Not a bug - but restriction 3.85] sucmodqty and patch  (Read 1039 times)


« on: January 04, 2025, 05:41:44 PM »
I have this charcoal recipe with[patch:5] and [sucmodqty]. When you make the full 5 batches of charcoal, it makes about 250 (but less, because of sucmodqty), and it requires 1000 firewoods. But it doesn't use all 1000 firewoods. It uses 232 of them! Which happens to be the number of charcoals that sucmodqty randomised for me to create this time. I had exactly 1000 firewoods before and now I have 768 firewoods.

This is from BAC but I'd edited it some to make it harder.

Code: [Select]
.Charcoal.  (50) "Firewood" [effort:3] [phys:arms,hands,stance] *WEATHERLORE* /2h/ \5d\ |-1| [patch:5]   [sucmodqty]
{Slender trunk} (3)  [noquality]        [remove]                        '+for bracing a chimney hole'
{Firewood}  (200) [noquality]   [remove] [ground][patchwise]    '+to piled around it'
{Shovel}<Shovel>        [wearpct:5]                                     '+to cover it all in soil'
{Fire}                                                  '+lit nearby'
{Torch} [remove]                                                '+to transfer the flame'
// From Rain's Ironworking mod v0.91

I think that I'll get rid of the [patch:5] and have it make about 50 out of 200 firewoods, because amassing 1000 firewood feels a bit extreme, but I think this is a sucmodqty bug
« Last Edit: February 13, 2025, 10:21:29 AM by Sami »


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« Reply #1 on: February 06, 2025, 06:22:33 PM »
Ah, checked it out and this is actually variable size issue.
It seems the maximum number of items to remove from the ground pile is 255, as there's char variable used for marking their amount.
So we've got a data structure based restriction here, which can't be easily changed.
- Sami | UnReal World creator


« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2025, 08:04:48 AM »
Oh, that makes sense. Thanks for checking it. I'll keep my modification to the recipe to make fewer firewoods