Topic: Modded crafts menu, spin-off features and wood type modding  (Read 1105 times)


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« on: February 06, 2025, 07:04:12 PM »
Separate menu for modded crafts is mostly up and running by now although thorough testing that follows will likely bring some more work on the table.
A good amount of re-thinking (and code rewriting) was required to get the [r]epeat last task option to learn and properly distinguish what menu action should be performed
and from which files the data should be fetched. As a spin-off result we'll be now seeing the actual craftable item name always displayed in the [r]epeat last action field.
Moreover, if the item was crafted from the modded crafts menu there will be (mod) prefix tag to indicate that. Eg. "(mod) Big club" or "(mod) Decorated fishing rod".
This way one can easily distinguish [r]epeat crafting of modded alternatives from the original ítems, especially if they have the same name.

We'll be also featuring a new [masterwoodtype] modding tag that can be used to derive the original wood type from the used wood resource into the crafted item. We'll likely also put this in use with some selected items, eg. wooden stakes which will then start to appear as pine stakes or spruce stakes etc. It's not appropriate to have all the wooden items to derive the wood type as this would only make the character's inventory less readable and functional, but it will be used where the wood type really makes difference gameplay wise.
For this and data structure reasons it's likely that the tag can be used only for timber type crafts.  There are bunch of issue still to solve to have all this work properly, but the wood type will start to appear as a visible and effective item property also elsewhere than with tree trunks. One of the things still being worked on is that names of the items with wood type property are being generated on-the-fly rather than using hardcoded item names. For example, an item called '"Wooden stake" we'll be displayed as "Pine stake" if it's made of pine.

These are future features - not yet functional in current version 3.85.
- Sami | UnReal World creator


« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2025, 08:36:34 AM »
Oh, I'm excited about this! In the current version, I'd tried to hack in this masterwoodtype with [naming:first word] but my Pine sanded boards, made from pine dried boards, made from pine boards, didn't count for fulfilling the House task in the tutorial quest, I needed to make a floor and ceiling with vanilla boards.


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« Reply #2 on: February 13, 2025, 10:25:31 AM »
Oh, I'm excited about this! In the current version, I'd tried to hack in this masterwoodtype with [naming:first word] but my Pine sanded boards, made from pine dried boards, made from pine boards, didn't count for fulfilling the House task in the tutorial quest, I needed to make a floor and ceiling with vanilla boards.

Hmm, basically it still should work if the base item in all these was is vanilla board. In some parts of the crafting process the mere item name changes and comparison are viable but  most often the actual variables and definitions - like the wood type - are elsewhere within the actual item data.
- Sami | UnReal World creator


« Reply #3 on: February 13, 2025, 03:45:29 PM »
Pine log -> Pine board (vanilla) -> Pine dried board "Wood slat" -> Pine sanded board "Board". I guess the dried board stage caused the issue, it's intended to make the boards not useable as boards before sanding, but I'll change it back to Board and see how it works next time a character reaches that tutorial stage.

