What do you think of adding 'Fire Starter Kit' as a new trade good which makes it easier & quicker to start a fire?
Reason: The logic behind it would be similar to the existence reason for most other tools: just to make life easier, such as splitting axe. A person with the means would like to obtain one, just be able to perform actionX much better & quicker. Not having it is not a blocker though, similar to crafting some items -without having the best tools for it-, one can still make/craft whatever it is but it will take longer and output quality will be lowered although output quality of fire is probably irrelevant.
Usage Mechanic: For such a fire starter kit usage mechanic similar to axes/knives etc. would make sense e.g.: as long as this 'kit' is in player's inventory or nearby on the ground it is automatically chosen as the preferred method and relevant action bonus is applied.
Benefits: As mentioned in Reason section, when used, such a kit should greatly
reduce increase (or even guarantee?) successful fire-starting chance, and also greatly reduce the time it takes to start one.
Kit Contents: Based on my brief research, I can think of at least three options, as detailed below.
A) All wooden hand-drill kit (which is presumably the current/default fire starting kit?)
Based on the demonstration on this video (reference #1a):
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1NynNqhepCM&ab_channel=NationalGeographicAnother similar video (reference #1b):
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HGSWuCPP6YY&ab_channel=BlackScoutSurvivalFor this all-wooden hand-drill kit as background info & F1 in-game encyclopaedia text idea: This comes in a leather pouch which makes it water-resistant against precipitation. It probably should not be fully water-proof (against entering water with it), if game engine is capable of tracking that detail on objects.
B) Flint stone + Pyrite kit:
Here is one example video that does not use any wood or any human-made steel component (reference #2):
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IANv-Xzn0Gs&ab_channel=MemmatheCavewomanC) Flint stone + Steel kit:
When I started drafting this suggestion, I assumed only options A & B made historical sense for Iron Age but then I found reference #3b which brings the date of steel to much earlier than what I originally thought. If that is accurate perhaps flint stone + steel kit could be a candidate as well?
Example video (reference #3a):
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pxagchOOj84&ab_channel=UltimateSurvivalistArticle that claims steel was used as fire starter in early Iron Age (reference #3b):
https://www.rockngem.com/examining-pyrite-iron-and-flint-the-fire-makers/("It was quickly replaced during the early Iron Age when flint and steel became the preferred materials. Fire making “kits” of flint and variously shaped steel strikers were still used by a few isolated cultures in the late 1800s.")A note on current "fire starting mechanism": Presumably option A is the current fire starter mechanism that is in the game as an abstract item without being listed in the inventory or named anywhere; even so I wonder if it would still make sense to leave it as is and also add option A/B/C as a "higher-quality version" that comes with a price tag in the sense one needs to trade items for it as well as needs to put some effort into obtaining one from someone that is open to trading it.
Edit: In the Reason section, I obviously meant 'fire starter kit should
increase fire starting chance' but in the original post I somehow put the word the 'decrease' there! Edited & fixed.