I checked the character directory and noticed that it is probably impossible to send it as the size of zoommaps.dat is about 880 MB already :/ (my other games have sizes in the 0-2 MB region..).
A note on forum style:
When you have more things to say, rather than posting a new post (leading to double posting by you in this forum thread) you can just 'modify' your previous post and at the bottom add your new message.
With regards to huge zoommaps.dat file size problem:
You can just use a "zipper/archiver" to compress the folder to very small size. For this purpose, on Windows/Mac you can use your operating system's internal "zip/archive" utility.
If you're on a modern Windows for example, you can right click on the folder and choose the right-click menu option Send to > Compresssed (zipped) folder.
Even though Windows have built-in functionality, I would recommend dowloading & installing a free and open source software called '7zip' that will give you more features when compressing/decompressing file and folders. You can get it from here:
https://www.7-zip.orgIf you're on Linux you can still use 7zip here is an article
https://itsfoss.com/use-7zip-ubuntu-linux/Edit: Just as an example, I just used 7zip with 'Ultra (max compression)' setting on my Windows system and reduced my zoommaps.dat file size from 395 MB to 7 MB.