I know Sami isn’t supporter of various modes, but to add to the “show cultural areas” toggle on the map, I’d really like to see an option during world gen to leave the cultural areas hidden until explored. Combine with optional hidden starting location: “H” for example to start with hidden start and cultural areas turned off.
1) current world gen and starting location with freely toggleable cultural areas during gameplay, when off, hide location in game screen.
2) current world gen and disabled cultural area toggle, until explored. Entering area not to show the color coded culture, only after visiting a village and seeing a person.
3) hidden world gen and disabled cultural area toggle. No cultural areas shown ever.
Edit: also, center the map on the starting location. Once hitting map edge, fix that X or Y direction on the map. So a “no GPS” character’s player can’t postulate nearest villages et cetera. (Going to check F6 and character location shown in NW of the map, it’s pretty obviously close to Seal Tribe lands, or Sartola ...)