I see.
Yes, I also don't have identifiably male forest reindeer. I don't know if they would be even named "stag", or maybe "bull", but they are missing in the herds. The only "stags" now are some of these domesticated reindeer from the north (not "forest"). It seems as if only does and calves varieties are present amongst forest reindeer. Maybe it's only a naming bug, and some of the does are bulls.
As for boars, they were always kind of rare to me, just like sows. I've seen only two wild sows, separate, in current version, and no wild boars. But this may be just a small sample.
EDIT: I've encountered a wild boar and checked them, and they are treated as different species entirely (just like in the past) - they are also technically females (or default gender, which is female), though it doesn't mean anything in practice, because they don't have offspring anyway. As a side note, they are not only bigger than wild sows on average, but their meat is more nutritious and expensive.