3.50 beta 2
I came to a village and was told there was a wounded adventurer there. Following the directions I found a standing unidentified adventurer in one of the buildings indicated, but when talked to he just exchanged standard greetings and did neither offer a quest nor talk about a wounded adventurer. When examined he did indeed have wounds. Other villagers greeted thereafter don't mention any injured adventurer, and the quest log shows nothing new.
The previous quest was performed 16 days earlier, and my character passed through this village in that search for a quest with none offered, so it's not like I've passed by a quest opportunity to let the adventurer heal up. I also checked the time in case the day ticked over, but it's early morning, so it hasn't ticked over in between me talking to villagers and talking to the adventurer.
If of interest, I've got a save immediately after having talked to the adventurer (but not any additional villagers).
I'm using the Jaredonean character models mod, the Njerpezit Cooking Mod, and Buiodda's Craft mod, the two latter tweaked a bit. Some missile images have also been replaced with brightly painted ones to make it easier to recover them. I doubt any of those changes have anything to do with this issue, though.
Edit: Further play gave me a robber quest 2-3 weeks later, so the quest glitch hasn't put things into a quest blocking mode, so the issue can be classified as an annoyance.