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Gameplay questions / Are Njerpez camp spawns infinite?
« Last post by Marcie35 on December 13, 2024, 04:06:39 AM »
I've been playing a character based on the idea of fighting the Njerps (so original  ;) ), and I've been trying to wipe their camps as they spawn up. However after knocking out 5 in my second year 4 new ones spawned on me... I'd prefer to keep the defensive war going but it seems they're unaffected by my raids.

So does anyone know if there is like a global population for camp spawns I could eventually deplete? Or a limit to the number spawned per year?

If not, it seems that calling for a crusade on their villages is the only solution
Suggestions / Re: Dozing
« Last post by Fineland on December 11, 2024, 09:55:01 PM »
Now that I think about it you can achieve around 1 hour sleeps. You just have to be starving...
Bug reports / Re: [3.85] Burning fine set for gaming instead of shingle
« Last post by Sami on December 09, 2024, 08:44:19 PM »
It appears that shingles mistakenly had the same internal identification tag than sestas, so the game simply that thought sestas are shingles - regardless of their other variables.
And naturally, wherever the sesta is base item for modded items, the internal identification persists and the modded items are also considered as shingles whenever shingle mechanics come in to play.

[Fixed - persists in 3.85.]
Bug reports / Re: [3.85] [SPEND_DELAY_ADD:] not working properly
« Last post by Sami on December 09, 2024, 08:31:58 PM »
Hmm. It shouldn't matter at all as to what kind, or how strenuous the activities are, it still goes through the same spend loop things, including the delay.
But let's see and confirm. Could you give me few examples of the higher effort activities where you don't notice the delay?
To experiment, you may also try to set the spend delay really high, say 250 or so, so that the effect is really noticeable.
Bug reports / Re: [3.85] Burning fine set for gaming instead of shingle
« Last post by JP_Finn on December 08, 2024, 07:25:38 AM »
I created a test character just for this. I haven’t pushed it on clock at all.

My guess is a memory/storage overflow.

And my personal preference re:modded items; none really should use sesta as base item. Apply feature goofiness et cetera. I personally use wood slat (there’s no recipe to auto select slats) or for some items I like hunting horn for the “produce a fancy sound”
Bug reports / Re: [3.85] Burning fine set for gaming instead of shingle
« Last post by Plotinus on December 07, 2024, 10:19:39 PM »
Over a month later, it's still marked as burning. I think burning is just a string that is added to the sesta, but it's not burning in any functional sense
While playing these days, I come up with some new ideas to implement, so here be a list of 'em.

Spoiler: show
  • actually making clothes
  • implementing a couple of features from bigger/forgotten mods
  • eeeeerm... okay, that's it for now
Suggestions / Re: Dozing
« Last post by Bert Preast on December 07, 2024, 12:53:59 PM »
I believe all advanced peoples enjoyed siestas...  but then civilisation arrived  :-\
Suggestions / Re: Dozing
« Last post by Fineland on December 07, 2024, 09:56:36 AM »
So you pretty much want a midday siesta in Finland?
Mod Releases / Re: BAC 3.84
« Last post by JP_Finn on December 07, 2024, 03:52:00 AM »
I've been on vacation, but I'll get to fixing it up soon :)

Hey just wanted to say thanks for keeping this going and thanks to Brygun for making this infthe first place.

I noticed that I cannot repair nets anymore with this mod. I can still make them though. I tried to find a way around it or a way to quote out the new menu options under fishing to get it to show but I couldn't figure it out. Hopefully you can take a look at it.


I don't have BAC installed at the moment, but you can add this in Fishing submenu:
Code: [Select]

.Mend a net. "Net" [effort:1] [phys:hands,stance] *NETMAKING* /8h/ %10% |0|
{[NEARBY_TILE:*wall]} +'Wall to hang the net on'
{Net} [ask_num] [remove] [name:Net]
{Yarn} =75= [no_min_len] [remove]
{Netting needle}

The ask_num is in the recipe so the game prompts you which one to mend. And not auto-select a net that's in great shape still.
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