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Gameplay questions / Re: Gaining Fatigue while walking
« Last post by JP_Finn on December 16, 2024, 09:11:05 PM »
There's no "snow shoes"* in base game, just skis.
Deeper the snow, more and faster fatigue builds up. And higher encumbrance can really cause the fatigue to skyrocket.
Early mornings often have a hard crust that's able to carry person, once sun goes up, the crust can thaw to thin or even all gone, and won't be able to carry person any longer.

*One could mod the game to have snow shoes, but they'd be as fast as skis, which is unreasonable.
Gameplay questions / Re: Gaining Fatigue while walking
« Last post by Hyukoroo on December 16, 2024, 08:28:25 PM »
Aaaaaaah so it is a game mechanic, alrighty. thank you good friend for the info. So snow travel without snowshoes IS what it was. I had a feeling but did not want to assume XD
Mod Releases / Re: BAC 3.85
« Last post by TheyCallMeSibs on December 16, 2024, 08:41:44 AM »
Discord is same as my forum name, theycallmesibs.
Gameplay questions / Re: Gaining Fatigue while walking
« Last post by Plotinus on December 16, 2024, 07:57:32 AM »
Is there snow on the ground? You can look with F3. If you did a Spring start, the snow probably hasn't melted yet
Gameplay questions / Gaining Fatigue while walking
« Last post by Hyukoroo on December 16, 2024, 07:38:56 AM »
Hello all, I hope to get something more of a general response and or experience share here with this. I have a new character and just began walking until i located a rapids just to see how things work and noticed that my character has 47% fatigue. Now to provide some context, I did play this game both off and on steam and am not sure if that would play a part in it but i recall that you did not have this happen before in earlier builds of the game. Is this normal, something that is new or is it not something of a game mechanic but rather a very odd quirk?
Mod Releases / Re: BAC 3.85
« Last post by McKwack on December 16, 2024, 12:21:01 AM »
Thanks for the update to 3.85, Sibs.  :)

What's your Discord username? Mine is mckwack.
I don't use Discord much, but in case I'm online and find some bugs and/or issues I could contact you there.

Mod Releases / Re: BAC 3.84
« Last post by TheyCallMeSibs on December 15, 2024, 09:18:03 PM »
I've been on vacation, but I'll get to fixing it up soon :)

Hey just wanted to say thanks for keeping this going and thanks to Brygun for making this infthe first place.

I noticed that I cannot repair nets anymore with this mod. I can still make them though. I tried to find a way around it or a way to quote out the new menu options under fishing to get it to show but I couldn't figure it out. Hopefully you can take a look at it.


It was indeed an overcrowding issue. Fixed in 3.85! Thanks for the suggestion too, Finn, but we use vanilla nets now which should work with vanilla mending.
Mod Releases / BAC 3.85
« Last post by TheyCallMeSibs on December 15, 2024, 09:14:41 PM »
I've got the first version of BAC 3.85 right here :)

 - updated vanilla items to 3.85 standards
 - commented out woven boating frame and the birch bark canoe to make space for vanilla netmaking and net mending.

Regarding the birch bark canoe: Most of these recipes look like they would break the UI with the number of items required, so it is shelved for now. But if you love building and using these, let me know. For now, just comment them in and comment something else out if you need to.

As always, let me know when you find bugs or issues. I check back here occasionally, but I am on the discord server too. Cheers!

Suggestions / Re: Bioluminescent mushrooms and wood
« Last post by Epätietäjä on December 15, 2024, 01:12:01 PM »
This is a neat idea. I did some cursory "research" on this and found that in Finnish folklore the phenomenon is called "peikonkulta" lit. "troll's gold". In Finnish nature the mushroom you mentioned (Armillaria borealis) indeed causes this, but also a bioluminescent species of moss (Schistostega pennata) grows in Finland.
According to 16th century Swedish historian/cartographer Olaus Magnus, northern people marked their paths in night time forests with these plants, and sages/shamans used these for special effects.
Bioluminescent plankton is also found in northern sea waters, especially in White Sea, and Sami have known the phenomenon as "gallagas" or "gallagas-dolla". In Baltic shores glowing waters are much rarer, but in Finnish folklore it's known as: "merituli" which is apparently a direct translation from old Norse "morueldr" (both mean sea-fire); "noidantuli" (witche's fire) from a folk belief that glowing waters were a result of witchcraft.
Gameplay questions / Re: Are Njerpez camp spawns infinite?
« Last post by Fineland on December 13, 2024, 03:57:50 PM »
Yeah I heard they camps only stop spawning if you delete all their official villages. Pretty annoying if you are playing around Kaumo.
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