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Bug reports / Re: [3.85] bandage still weighs 0.5 kg even though it needs 0.2kg cloth
« Last post by pannu on December 23, 2024, 07:36:25 PM »
I just noticed the same. As a result, two bandages can be crafted from a single bandage. Exploiting this gives endless bandages / materials.
General Discussion / Re: Armor spawn rates in villages?
« Last post by dangerousbrick on December 22, 2024, 03:43:27 AM »
Perhaps I haven't made a new character and went trading right away in so long, that I didn't even notice that on game start the stock the villages have is so meager. Well, I'll play and see.  ;)
General Discussion / Re: Armor spawn rates in villages?
« Last post by JP_Finn on December 20, 2024, 11:23:54 PM »
You can always get decent armor items and any quality other items by adding recipes in the diy_glossary.

I often do test characters, and don’t have time IRL to grind for basic setup. Is it cheating when I want to test weapons vs armors etc, sure. Is it balanced, no.
Spoiler: show
Code: [Select]
.Battlesword. *COMMON* %99% /1/
{Branch} [noquality]

Takes 1 minute, counts the skill level at 149, you need to be close to a branch (inventory or ground & and doesn’t limit the resulting item’s quality)
General Discussion / Re: Armor spawn rates in villages?
« Last post by JP_Finn on December 20, 2024, 10:58:08 PM »
Sartolais and Koivulais villages on initial visit tend to be average/poor wealth. But visit them again in 6, 12, 24... months and you'll be surprised what you can find; swords, axes, metal armors, leather armors, decent to MW. And so many furs.
Suggestions / Re: Warming up by manual labor
« Last post by Plotinus on December 20, 2024, 09:52:59 PM »
I'd like that, though it should be a small effect -- if it's -40 and you're naked, it shouldn't matter how much you run. Also if you work up a sweat or your clothes otherwise get wet then it should make you cold again. In the game "sweating a lot" has no consequences but I ride my bike to work in winter and there are consequences :D
General Discussion / Re: Armor spawn rates in villages?
« Last post by Plotinus on December 20, 2024, 09:47:25 PM »
They do restock, slowly, especially if you don't visit them too often.

Give Reemi a try, too, they're relatively wealthy.

General Discussion / Armor spawn rates in villages?
« Last post by dangerousbrick on December 20, 2024, 06:30:03 PM »
I made a new save file since the 3.85 update and I can't tell if I just got super unlucky or spawn rates for metal armors have changed. I visited almost every Driik village and only found 3 chain cowls, 1 helmet, and that's it. They also seem to lack the abundance of good quality tools/weapons they usually did. If it was indeed changed, I would love a way to get semi-reliable info from villages on where to find foreign traders. Because as it stands currently, I'm at the mercy of RNG and having good sight as a character if I want anything more than leather armor...
Suggestions / Warming up by manual labor
« Last post by Kreivos on December 20, 2024, 04:09:51 PM »
I reckon this hasn´t been implemented yet? It´d make sense that once cold, doing manual labor such as digging or chopping wood should warm up the player. It could add an interesting survival element as well, by keeping the player warm as long as he keeps moving.
Suggestions / Hired help when wounded.
« Last post by JP_Finn on December 20, 2024, 12:05:13 AM »
Simple suggestion:
When injured, and task requires a wounded appendage, allow the task to go on if there's a hired hand/helper/companion available.

e.g. my character got his hand injured fighting a bear, my companion is an old man Ahvo, who's a master hideworker. But the bear skin is going to rot as we can't do the task at all.
Bug reports / [3.85] bandage still weighs 0.5 kg even though it needs 0.2kg cloth
« Last post by Plotinus on December 17, 2024, 06:50:48 PM »
In news.txt, it says that the bandage only needs 0.5lb of cloth instead of 1lb. I made a bandage, and it only used 0.2kg of cloth but the final bandage weighed 0.5 kg. I expected the final bandage to weigh 0.2 kg too.
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