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Suggestions / Increasing immersion by limiting information shown
« Last post by pannu on December 27, 2024, 12:15:22 PM »
First of all, forgive me that I did not go through all the suggestions or mods to see if these have been suggested or implemented in mods.

It would be more immersive if the spoilage status of foods would be somewhat unknown. Approximate true state would be revealed after food being visually inspected, smelled and/or tasted, based on abilities/skills. While being sick, smell/taste abilities could be reduced, and perhaps sensitivity of these senses could be improved with certain herbs.

Knowing the date makes playing the game nice and easy. This kind of breaks the immersion, though. Back in the day, people had to count days, and use "weatherlore" to determine for example the relative length of day and night (they are equally long at equinox and solstice) etc. There must have been a lot of ancient wisdom considering the annual clock, and also important rituals. It would be a nice challenge to try to do them at the right time to keep the spirits happy. Kustaa Vilkuna's Vuotuinen ajantieto is a great source for this, though it does not go as far as to iron age.

Then of course, in the past, perhaps the most important skill has been not to getting lost. Rock paintings in waterways used to act as landmarks and/or signs, telling which way to go. I'm pretty sure there has been local poem-type lore instructing wanderers how to get to places. In today's North America, some signs of native people are still visible for example in trees, guiding people to springs and so on. The hobos of North America during the last century also drew signs at site, warning people from unpleasant people, indicating whether camping is possible or not, and suggesting if there is work or meals available.

I have over 1000 hours on Valheim, and the immersion and whole experience got totally different level when I started playing in immersive mode (no map, no portals). It's truly amazing feeling while exploring and traveling straight west, signs of civilization are found and you realize you have discovered your own base coming from South-East. Trees blocking the sky, clouds and fog can make navigation rather difficult. Of course, implementing this into UnReal World would mean overhauling the whole world, which is a huge task and transforms the game into something completely different. Maybe in 2035?
Suggestions / Re: Cellar Organization Improvement
« Last post by pannu on December 27, 2024, 11:28:11 AM »
I like the current cellar system, where the items put there first are shown first in the list. This addresses the essential question: Which items are is going to spoil next?
Bug reports / Re: he ate whole trout or salmon
« Last post by Fineland on December 27, 2024, 10:51:03 AM »
Goddamn, he must have been really hungry.
Not bugs / [Not a bug - 3.85] robbers didn't dump me somewhere else
« Last post by Plotinus on December 26, 2024, 07:07:30 PM »
Jerkko is heading home from a village and encounters some robbers. He tries to sneak away but they wake up and he winds up fighting them. The fight doesn't go well and Jerkko loses consciousness. He wakes up in the same place, the robbers are still there, everything is still going on. Jerkko continues fighting, losing consciousness again, wakes up still in the same tile as the robbers. I stop playing and save the game.

Code: [Select]
(000000):b6jn:[T]{06C1022C}      | The Owl-tribe robber tries to kick you.
(143270):b6jn:[#]{06C1022C}      | Defense Maneuver: Dodge
(000000):b6jn:[H]{06C1022C}      | He executes a skilled kick and your attempt to dodge is clumsy and late.
(000000):b6jn:[H]{06C1022C}      | His kick glances off of your thorax still hurting you.
(AB5700):b6jn:[+]{06C1022C}      | The impact doesn't penetrate your armour.
(A80000):b6jn:[!]{06C1022C}      | You've been attacked from out of sight!
(143270):b6jn:[#]{06C1022C}      | The attack properties of the woodsman's axe add a slight bonus to the success of his attack.
(000000):b6jn:[H]{06C1022C}      | His woodsman's axe strikes hard to your abdomen!
(3C5A98):b6jn:[:]{06C1022C}      | The world turns black and you fall unconscious.
(3C5A98):b6jn:[:]{06C1022C}      | You regain consciousness...
(3C5A98):b6jn:[:]{06C1022C}      | You pick up the fine northern spear.
(000000):b6jn:[T]{06C1022C}      | The Owl-tribe robber tries to kick you.
(143270):b6jn:[#]{06C1022C}      | Defense Maneuver: Dodge
(000000):b6jn:[H]{06C1022C}      | He executes a skilled kick and your attempt to dodge is clumsy and late.
(000000):b6jn:[H]{06C1022C}      | His kick glances off of your shoulder still hurting you.
(AB5700):b6jn:[+]{06C1022C}      | The impact doesn't penetrate your armour.
(A80000):b6jn:[!]{06C1022C}      | You've been attacked from out of sight!
(143270):b6jn:[#]{06C1022C}      | The attack properties of the woodsman's axe add a slight bonus to the success of his attack.
(000000):b6jn:[H]{06C1022C}      | His woodsman's axe strikes hard to your abdomen!
(A80000):b6jn:[!]{06C1022C}      | The blood pours out of your abdomen.
(3C5A98):b6jn:[:]{06C1022C}      | The world turns black and you fall unconscious.
(3C5A98):b6jn:[:]{06C1022C}      | You regain consciousness...
Bug reports / he ate whole trout or salmon
« Last post by Kouvostoliitto on December 25, 2024, 04:45:46 PM »
The first time a character ate a whole trout (or was it salmon?) was when I bought a lot of dogs and was traveling with them. I was surprised that it takes about 40 minutes to eat.
Now, while traveling north (in a new game without dogs), the same thing happened again - a man ate a whole smoked trout.
Gameplay questions / Did I just got scammed by a foreign trader?
« Last post by pannu on December 25, 2024, 12:19:33 PM »
Potential spoiler alert (revealed already in the subject)!

Is this a game mechanic or a bug?

I met a bunch of foreign traders. Traded a decent elk fur to 9 superior broadhead arrows. After the trade I looked at my inventory, it shows 12 "regular" arrows (around 3 arrows I got already + the 9 new; also had various bonehead arrows). I wanted to ask this "Dagowin" (if that is his real name) a few questions, but of course he does not know what I am talking about. Now he is selling regular arrows.

Has this happened to the others? Did you outright stab the bastard, or perhaps offered tainted meat to celebrate your friendship?

My character happens to have max intelligence, this is why noticed the scam immediately!

(mods, consider moving this topic to a corresponding subforum)
Suggestions / Re: Reducing amount of blunt hits enough to kill prey
« Last post by JP_Finn on December 25, 2024, 05:13:33 AM »
Most hits I think any of my characters has needed to dispatch unconscious elk was 32 blunt hits of a handaxe. ( might’ve been fine or MW )
And still I think he only got one pip on AXE.
Suggestions / Re: Reducing amount of blunt hits enough to kill prey
« Last post by Fineland on December 25, 2024, 12:06:04 AM »
Personally I would like it to take less button presses to achieve this repetitive task. Also the text messages saying "has a bruise on the skull" x16 are too funny for this to be addressed.
took me too long to get this image but prime example of what I mean

Development News / Season's Greetings with electric elks and northern fire works!
« Last post by Sami on December 24, 2024, 12:18:31 PM »
Once again the year is nearing its end and with these season's greetings we wish you all the best with the festivities and holiday season you might have at hand, and happy new year!

As this years speciality I shall a share a fresh episode from my traditional archery YouTube channel which offers a different
view to devs life in and outside the development chambers.
Now we've just recently passed the winter solstice in the Northern hemisphere and the days are slowly but steadily getting
longer and longer. So why don't we celebrate it with this sort of a northern fire works - the birch-bark fire arrows!

And let's not forget the picture greetings, this time with Enormous Electric Elk!

Take care, all the best, see you in 2025!
Gameplay questions / Re: Are Njerpez camp spawns infinite?
« Last post by Isauros on December 23, 2024, 07:56:49 PM »
You have to set fire to all of the buildings in the camp tile until the tile turns into 'ground'. Then another camp will appear at some point near the same place. Theoretically this would deforest the entire area however.
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