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Bug reports / Re: [3.84?- to present] can't find missing farm animal
« Last post by Sami on March 06, 2025, 08:28:35 PM »
And indeed, there's been a bug here. Sometimes animals have decided not to move prior to getting into forest cover, and that's why they haven't left any tracks to find either.
This has been fixed now.

Fixed - persists in 3.85

General Discussion / Re: Where from comes myth from the game's intro?
« Last post by Andrboll on March 05, 2025, 11:34:17 PM »
Thanks for detailed explanation!  8) 8) 8)
General Discussion / Re: Where from comes myth from the game's intro?
« Last post by Plotinus on March 05, 2025, 08:26:51 PM »
Thanks for the explanation, Erkka!

I used to wonder why the game was called unreal when it was so realistic, when the thickness of the ice was modelled to the nearest millimetre and everything was do deep and real...but then I saw one of your videos that you and Sami did some years ago, in the real world, the one outside with grass and the bright fireball in the sky...and understood that no matter how real the game was, it would always be unreal, compared to the outside place
General Discussion / Re: Where from comes myth from the game's intro?
« Last post by Erkka on March 05, 2025, 07:37:06 PM »
The first winter is an adaptation (and combination) of "stealing of the Sun", and "Sampo" myth. The idea that a long long time ago there was an age of prosperity, when earthly life was somehow free of trouble. And then something happened (the sun went down and didn't rise up the next morning), things got difficult. But the humanity coped, and eventually the Sun returned - but somehow it was no more the same, things were different, something had changed permanently.

I remember that about the same time when UnReal World turned from a more generic "sword and magic" phantasy to Finno-Ugric mythology, Sami was also considering changing the title of the game. But a considerable number of players resisted, saying that they had grown attached to their mental images of a phantasy world which is somehow "unreal".

So, we took these ingredients and cooked a fictional mythology which both keeps the original name of the game, explains it, and still draws from Finno-Ugric mythology - not being a direct reference, but an artistic adaptation of the age old themes.

EDIT: Hmm, so I think that the theme of "unreality" as such isn't a theme in Finno-Ugric mythology. But there is this idea of world being made of various layers, most of the layers being unseen to the normal waking consciousness, but those unseen layers oftentimes being the most influential. So, the "unreality" is an adaptation from that idea, thinking that once humans had a direct contact and communication with all the unseen layers, but then they lost it - humanity survived, but the direct contact with the unseen world became more like a rarity, something for trained professionals, and rare occasional supernatural encounters experienced by common folks, and a loose collection to beliefs and rituals to manage these relationships.
General Discussion / Where from comes myth from the game's intro?
« Last post by Andrboll on March 05, 2025, 07:06:34 PM »
"There are countless stories, legends and myths about The First Winter.
During The First Winter, the Inehmo became many.
Men, wives, children, the heroes and the wise ones walked the earth, The heroes made the fire, they made the bow and the arrow and they hunted.
They made clothes, they made tools and shelters, they wade skis, and they made drums and the kantele.
When The First Winter was over, Inehmoes could not understand The Wind Singing, nor The Bear and The Forest humming.
The wise ones among the people said that The World was no longer real.
The World was Unreal."

I tried to look for similar motives about the unreality of the world but found them only in Buddhist mythology or in Greek philosophy.
The question is whether this motif exists at all in the Baltoscandian and Finno-Ugric mythology?
I also tried to find a motive about the "first winter" that was but ended, and I couldn't either.

Is onception of Unreal and real world is totaly fictional setting?

Also i managed to find another pieces of information in game manual

"When The First Winter was over, inehmoes could
not understand The Wind singing, nor The Bear and The Forest
humming. The wise ones among the people said that The World was
no more real. The World was Unreal. Still, inehmoes can return
to the Real World in the dreams and with the spells. The Shamans
became negotiators between the people and the spiritworld, the
otherworld, The Real World."
Gameplay questions / Re: Possibility of Superior Furs
« Last post by Rukisama on March 05, 2025, 02:05:38 PM »
and what we really want to know is whether superior furs are possible in 3.85.

That's what I'm starting to lean toward: a bug in 3.85 (or perhaps it's intended?). I will say I've only tried stripping naked and dropping everything except the fur and fat a couple of times, it didn't work so I stopped bothering. It's not a huge problem, since I have enough fine furs to buy anything I could possibly want, it's just strange that a character with 100 Hideworking skill can't get a superior fur.
Gameplay questions / Re: Possibility of Superior Furs
« Last post by JP_Finn on March 05, 2025, 08:55:14 AM »
I’m not 100%, but near certain that tanning doesn’t run encumbrance check. If you’re tanning elk, bear skin with a bag, birchbark basket or multiple bowl: game doesn’t prompt “with the load you’re carrying your task is more difficult “ paraphrased, I’m not  able to check the exact wording. Same as trapping. On the other hand timbercraft and fishing do prompt about the penalties, injuries, encumbrance, fatigue.

I don't think even the weight of the hide counts.  If you look at the weight you are carrying, the weight of the hide is immediately subtracted as soon as you begin a tanning process.

True, but if you attempt say active fishing (rod) at 99Fatigue, I've had pretty abysmal success, even the fatigue gets removed with the "restful" activity the active rod fishing is. I believe they're (hideworking -- fishing) calculated differently.
IME if the game does or doesn't prompt about encumbrance/fatigue/injuries: is if the physical penalties affect the task or not.
Gameplay questions / Re: Possibility of Superior Furs
« Last post by Plotinus on March 05, 2025, 08:35:18 AM »
with other crafts it often tells you why: that's the best you could do given the tools and the materials, or it was your tools not your skills, or you can't make good from bad.

But I looked back through my living characters (all of whom have been alive for many versions) and all it says is

You fail to maintain the quality of the superior clean elk-skin during this step.
You fail to maintain the quality of the superior clean black grouse-skin during this step.

But among my dead characters, several of them go to the superior rinsed skin step, and only one of them fails to maintain the quality of the rinsed skin, so I'm guessing (but don't want to carefully read through these old files) the others got superior furs:
Code: [Select]
grep -aE "superior.*rinsed" */msglog.txt
0/msglog.txt:(3C5A98):hchi:[:]{02610659}      | You pick up the superior winter rinsed arctic fox-skin.
5/msglog.txt:(3C5A98):88hj:[:]{03C40682}      | You pick up the superior rinsed elk-skin.
5/msglog.txt:(A80000):98h3:[!]{03C40682}      | You fail to maintain the quality of the superior rinsed elk-skin during this step.
5/msglog.txt:(143270):4ahj:[#]{03C30683}      | You see a superior rinsed capercaillie-skin (being prepared) here.
5/msglog.txt:(3C5A98):4ahk:[:]{03C30683}      | You pick up the superior rinsed capercaillie-skin.
5/msglog.txt:(3C5A98):kchn:[:]{03C40682}      | You pick up the superior rinsed raven-skin.
5/msglog.txt:(3C5A98):kchn:[:]{03C40682}      | You drop the superior rinsed raven-skin.
5/msglog.txt:(3C5A98):kchn:[:]{03C40682}      | You pick up the superior rinsed raven-skin.
5/msglog.txt:(143270):e1ig:[#]{0292071C}      | You see a superior rinsed black grouse-skin (being prepared) here.
5/msglog.txt:(143270):e1ih:[#]{0292071C}      | You see a superior rinsed black grouse-skin here.
5/msglog.txt:(3C5A98):e1ih:[:]{0292071C}      | You pick up the superior rinsed black grouse-skin.
5/msglog.txt:(3C5A98):e1ih:[:]{0292071B}      | You drop the superior rinsed black grouse-skin.
5/msglog.txt:(3C5A98):e1ii:[:]{0292071B}      | You pick up the superior rinsed black grouse-skin.
5/msglog.txt:(3C5A98):gbjb:[:]{07A00597}      | You pick up the superior winter rinsed elk-skin.
43/msglog.txt:(143270):j7id:[#]{06060066}      | You see a superior rinsed hare-skin here.
43/msglog.txt:(3C5A98):j7id:[:]{06060066}      | You pick up the superior rinsed hare-skin.
43/msglog.txt:(3C5A98):j7id:[:]{06080061}      | You drop the superior rinsed hare-skin.
43/msglog.txt:(3C5A98):j7id:[:]{06080061}      | You pick up the superior rinsed hare-skin.
43/msglog.txt:(143270):g8i9:[#]{06070061}      | You see a superior rinsed fox-skin (being prepared) here.
43/msglog.txt:(143270):g8i9:[#]{06070061}      | You see a superior rinsed fox-skin (being prepared) here.
43/msglog.txt:(143270):g8ij:[#]{06070061}      | You see a superior rinsed fox-skin here.
43/msglog.txt:(3C5A98):g8ij:[:]{06070061}      | You pick up the superior rinsed fox-skin.

the 0 character, Dearsu, died in April 2022, the 5 character, Behtter, died in December 2022, and the 43 character, Pekka, died in August 2022, but these were all long living characters, and I can see from other files that they were migrated from 3.70, so it's impossible to say what version these results were in, except that it was definitely before 3.72, and what we really want to know is whether superior furs are possible in 3.85.
Gameplay questions / Re: Possibility of Superior Furs
« Last post by Rukisama on March 05, 2025, 03:31:53 AM »
Just a follow up, having tried to tan (I'd guess) about 2 dozen skins that started as "superior" but still inevitably degrade to "fine" in the second step of tanning. I almost wonder if it's related to the fact that the fat I'm using is only ever of default "decent" quality? As far as I know there's no tanning material that can have higher quality than that, and it's hard to imagine that it *should* matter, but I can't think of anything else that would cause it, except maybe superior furs being much more rare than I thought.
Mod Releases / Re: [3.80] Smoker. Hot smoking. Now version 1.2!
« Last post by JP_Finn on March 03, 2025, 06:47:31 PM »
Correct, the hot smoked meat isn't smoked as the smoke/dry/salt mechanism is hardcoded. Technically hot smoking is [roast] with extended [SPOILAGE_DAYS]
Vanilla meat soup doesn't allow using any cooked meats, so I guess you're using a modded recipe. If that's the case, you could edit the cookery recipe to call for {*cut} [ask_num]
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