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Messages - Jugger69

Pages: [1]
Gameplay questions / Re: A lot of "Whoa"?! How to go on now?
« on: June 12, 2024, 10:29:44 AM »
Thank you Plotinus!

I collected all the stuff that was lying around - even the plentiful bait I used at each of my hundred traps in that area. I burned a lot of junk ( "some call it treasure"  ;D ) and stacked some lumber. The message is gone now.

I would really appreciate it if this issue could be resolved. It should not be difficult to up that limit (30 years ago .. yeah .. that might have been hard with memory limits and all - but today?).

Gameplay questions / A lot of "Whoa"?! How to go on now?
« on: June 11, 2024, 10:54:58 AM »

I may have overdone it with farming - right next to my homestead. Yes, I know I should not have done it but it just happened.   ::)

I am getting a lot of "Whoa, items all over the place!" messages. So many in fact that I can not play the game anymore.

Is there a way to save my game?

Here are my personal 2 cents. I find it sad that the BAC mod is not updated right after a new game update release. I know that the mod's author can do as he pleases but I rather like the ideas behind BAC and would have liked to use it further in my actual game while at the same time using newer URW versions.

Its understandable that the mods author does not care to update a mod for a game he is not playing. On the other hand: its meant to be a "community" mod - so it should not depend on a single persons whim when and if to receive a timely update or not. As it stands its not usable - all the work for nothing and my save-game in jeopardy. :(

As it stands I think I will try to "downgrade" to vanilla and leave the beloved BAC mod - I hope my save-game will not be broken too much.

As a side note: I don't intend to anger anyone or to demand anything - if it sounds to harsh in your mind .. its not intended to (imagine a nice smile on my face while I am typing this). Gaming (and modding) should be fun without any pressure.

Gameplay questions / Re: Can not make shovel haft
« on: April 03, 2024, 07:19:28 PM »

You can edit menudef_BAC.txt, comment out or change the letter "H" so that it doesn't override the game's [H]afting menu any more.

Well .. that did not work.

If I press "M" there already was a "H" (Hafting) option. And it does not change anything if I edit the menudef_BAC.txt file to use letter "G".  ???
And "yes" .. I quit the game and restarted it.  ;D

Gameplay questions / Can not make shovel haft
« on: April 02, 2024, 06:42:14 PM »
Hi there,

after some years absent, I recently came back to the Unreal World.

I am playing 3.83 + BAC 3.82 and I am not sure if the problem I have is a bug, an incompability between the gameversion v3.83 and the Mod being for v3.82.

So .. here we go:

After some extensive work in the gardens my shovel broke (well .. I had two shovels and both are broken now) and I can not find a way to produce an shovel haft.

Under "M" - "Hafting" there are only two options: Haft a weapon or tool & Remove the haft

Under "M" - "Carpentry" there is a way to create an axe haft.. but no shovel haft.

I have looked through all options, but I can not find a way to create that shovel haft. I could use BAC to create an iron shovel, but the shovel head is incompatible to the iron shovel head.

Any help?

Thanks! :)


Thanks, Palu! I will try this!

Update: Palu was right. I found another snare with 3 more feathers. Thank you again. ---> No bug!

[3.61] Bird Thief - Not enough feathers at site to perform the ritual

The infamous Bird Thief quest again..  ::)

After a long search I found the site the bird thief had visited but to my dismay I found only two feathers (and a loop snare). I can not perform the ritual with only two feathers. Right?

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