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Messages - ManimalCurt

Pages: [1]
Bug reports / [3.85 Stable] Foreign Traders
« on: November 28, 2024, 07:23:09 PM »
Hello all,

It's been awhile since Ive been here. So long I lost my forum account. (Was previously GreenmanThoth or Hermes) Still play this amazing game at least once a year.

Though this last play-through. I've notice some potential bugs. That I don't see in "to be fixed" or "not a bug".

Most notable being. The Foreign Traders seem to be over Spawning. I'm just over my first year. Now, I can't walk 10 tiles, without seeing or running into a group. They are EVERYWHERE. Seems excessive.

Thought you should know.

Also, less than a month. Into this world. There were 4 Njer camps. In a perfect 4 corner square. Around my first temp "base". Which is also more excessive than it used to be.

If these are intended. I apologize.

As always,
Thank you for all your amazing work on this title Sami.
Much appreciated.   :D

Side note: These AI Captcha Animals. Sure are creepy. I did not need to know what an AI Duck-Dog is... LOL

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