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Messages - Soapstone

Pages: [1]
Suggestions / Re: Full screen resolution
« on: October 27, 2021, 12:17:27 AM »
I would agree with this. I would expect there to at least be an option in the settings file to change the screen resolution, from what I have read, the game runs only in 800x600, and my monitor is a widescreen hdtv, and runs at 1360x768.

when I run on fullscreen, i get black bars on the sides, when i select the other option, all it does is stretches it and makes it look weird, as the other poster mentioned.

what needs to happen in 2021 at the very least, is to have the option to have a full resolution rescaling to fit modern monitors/tv's at fullscreen resolution for widescreen settings @ 16:9, fullscreen @ 4:3 is a thing of the past and has been for several years now since HDTV's came out.

what this means is NO graphics are getting stretched to fill the screen to the max, they are getting rescaled to look as they would in the original resolution but filling the entire widescreen view without stretching AND WITHOUT the black bars on the sides of the game screen.

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