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Messages - Darkwolf Jr

Pages: [1]
Gameplay questions / What are the most valuable crafted items?
« on: August 20, 2019, 07:51:52 PM »
Could someone tell what the most valuable crafted trade items are in the default game?

Solved'n'fixed bug reports / Re: Computer Crash
« on: September 21, 2017, 03:25:26 AM »
In this case a loss of 3 days is abut the same as a total loss. Save corruption is something I have had to deal with in many other games. Sometimes I can patch them up and they work fine other times they don't but it never hurts to try to fix them.

Also I don't like to backup URW saves too much because it can be used to bypass the permanent death. Yes I see the irony its okay to be killed by a bear but not a windows bug lol.

Solved'n'fixed bug reports / Re: Computer Crash
« on: September 20, 2017, 06:57:20 AM »
Sorry to bring up an old post but...

Thanks to a power outage one of my saves was also (Blanked?)
Well I put a lot of work in it and I don't want to lose it and my last backup was 3 days ago still a lot of work gone but I had an idea.
Why not replace the corrupted files in the bad save with the good ones from the old backup so far its working but there is an issue.
Some of the items I left on the ground at my settlement are corrupted they look like swords with no name If I knew what file ground items are stored in i might could salvage them too.

Also think I disabled that windows caching so maybe it won't happen again.

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