« on: June 02, 2024, 11:19:48 PM »
I decided to try this mod out and now I have 2 piles of partially crafted training sessions stuck in my house and I can't get rid of them.
So what happened was this. Obviously you need "training sessions" in your inventory to be consumed by the actual training. When you train, the training recipe also produces training sessions, I guess so you don't have to manually create more yourself. This is what caused the problem, because my character stopped from exhaustion mid-training, so the training sessions that would have been created during this process were left unfinished. And I cannot finish them.
There is no option to continue crafting the partially crafted training sessions. "Continue paused process" from the build menu only works on building items. Standing on top of the partially crafted training sessions, and crafting another set, just produces more without touching the unfinished ones. And of course simply trying to pick them up just tells me I can't because they're not ready yet.
I even deconstructed the bunk and floor where the sessions were, and tried setting a fire on top of them. They didn't burn. I thought maybe this was because they inherit properties from rocks, so I changed the DIY file to make them inherit from branches instead, and lit another fire. They still did not burn.
Removing the mod was the first thing I tried, but they stayed in my house untouched even with the mod's files completely gone.
How can I get rid of them? This is really frustrating — this save had been going so well and now I'm stuck with ugly glitched transparent rock piles.
EDIT: Upon rereading this I realize I sounded a lot crabbier than I had meant to. The mod itself is ingenious and I already feel like it's enhanced my roleplaying by giving my character relevant things to do to pass the time when I otherwise would have just spammed weatherlore. I like it very much except for this one issue lol.