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Messages - chad

Pages: [1]
I read a review in PCGamer (magazine!) years and years ago. I used to have this game on USB and bring it into school to play  ;D

Off-topic / Re: Books adjacent to UW
« on: August 15, 2024, 08:17:46 AM »
There is a book I want to read called Homo Fennicus that is tangentially related- it talks about the early origins of finns and the history of the area at those early dates. However it's only in finnish for now.

Suggestions / Re: NPCs offering herbal knowledge?
« on: August 11, 2024, 04:22:18 PM »
Great idea- I just made a very similar post before reading this one:

They say great minds think alike  ;D

Suggestions / Herblore- getting plants identified in villages
« on: August 11, 2024, 04:21:17 PM »
It always seems to me that herblore is missing something in this game. In the game you play as a 16 year old setting off into the wilderness after leaving their home village. So in theory, you are still young and learning skills, and most of the people you meet will be older, wiser and more knowledgeable than you. You're also trying to secure yourself food and constantly encountering potential food plants and mushrooms. And yet the only way to know which are edible and which aren't is to start with high herblore, or essentially trial and error. So if you start with low herblore, you're locked out of quite a lot of the game for the whole run.

I think it would be good if there were a mechanism to show foraged herbs and mushrooms to NPCs, to ask if they can identify them for you. Getting something identified once doesn't mean you'd be able to go out and gather more with perfect reliability (so there's still room for the HERBLORE skill), but it at least gives you more options and would be a more realistic mechanism in most cases than randomly tasting things and hoping you don't die. Perhaps villagers would only take the time out of their day to identify things if they liked you at least a little beforehand. And perhaps for getting advice from the sage (who is presumably both more important and more knowledgeable) you would need to be very well regarded in the village. Having asked a few NPCs to identify plants for you would also be a natural starting point for the 'gather herbs' quest.

Mod Releases / Re: Discontinued
« on: August 09, 2024, 07:09:34 PM »
Just as a heads up: Now that we've found some mod files, I'm updating it to 3.84. I'll make a new thread when it's done :)


Mod Releases / Re: Krutzel's Spirited Sprites
« on: July 31, 2024, 08:22:08 PM »
Just want to say that this is a great mod, I'm astonished I'd missed it until now. It's all very tasteful and extremely well executed- the new NPC and animal tilesets in particular are gamechangingly immersive.

Mod Releases / Re: Discontinued
« on: July 31, 2024, 08:14:40 PM »
You say you want someone to continue your work and carry on updating the mod. I agree that this would be good.
However it seems all of the most recent updates have been removed from the forum- so a) the mod is far less available to the community, and b) anyone wishing to update the mod will have 2 extra years of changes to work through.

I can say from experience that finns are very direct and straightforward, and this can sometimes catch people (from different cultures) off-guard and lead to misunderstandings. I don't think the devs had any bad intentions and if you look at the latest devnotes it seems they're implementing the features suggested.

Overall I'd wish that you don't bite your nose off to spite your face. Long hours of hard work have clearly been put into this and I think many people are grateful for that, so it's a shame for it to just vanish. Even if you understandably don't want to keep updating, surely it would be better to leave a legacy than a void, especially considering the "community" aspect.

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