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Messages - Mrprofilen

Pages: [1]
Mod Releases / Re: Discontinued
« on: August 08, 2024, 08:45:03 PM »
This whole situation seems so blown out of proportion. People are free to disagree with how a developer is steering their game, but when I originally read the beginning of the thread, I expected to see the developer saying something quite unfair (or bad). I just don't see the "aggression".

Now, there's a chance I am just inept and that I have misunderstood the whole situation. It's sad to see a great mod be discontinued over this. But I understand that everyone has their own views and can make their own decisions based off of what they have read/seen. If I have misunderstood this, I would love for you to point it out to me, I'm always down for a discussion.

Lastly, I would like to thank you for all the work you've done with the mod (everyone involved as well), regardless of whether it gets continued or not. UnReal World is good on its own, but this mod truly gave me a lot of enjoyment.

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