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Messages - smccamish

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It'd be great if your up to it bud also hit me up if you want to spread the knowledge, not sure how to do the update but if you teach me a bit i'd be happy to help with it in future.

Sent you a PM; I just finished a recording on obtaining some of the addresses and general cheat engine usage. Never really edited videos before and no idea how long of a video I can upload to youtube, but recording ended up being about an hour long. hopefully I can trim some of it up, kinda just dove into it with no real plan or experience so.

With that said, updated some of my addresses as a byproduct so, there's that!

Still brainstorming/experimenting with making everything for URWCharacterMenu ported into the game UI and hotkeys, but idk. Hard to decide what the best course of action is.

edit: just checked the recording and realized I messed up on one of the source resolutions so only half my screen got captured ;'(

Will have to redo it.

Absolute pain lol but awesome that your involved again will try and hit you up on discord, happy to try and help.

Mod Releases / Re: No further updates planned
« on: June 29, 2024, 07:27:56 PM »
Beta in this case would work almost backwards? Unless you are thinking that Sami should set an arbitrary version as beta, folks mod to that version, and then non-modder people would be stuck on that with their mods?

Seems like additional work on juggling what version would be locked in beta(“mod safe”) version. And that would only be Steam specific, Lifetimers, Twitch* etc still would need to fine tune their version.

When pretty much any development branches; it’ll almost certainly increase workload, leaving less actual developer time for features, bugs, or community involvement.

* I have exactly zero(0) knowledge how Twitch works or doesn’t work.

So minimal extra work for the Devs (Sami) initially except cacheing versions of the game on steam, so that people can choose to revert to builds without downloading from 3rd party sites. This gives freedom to the Modders to play catch up with the patches wtih Sami at thier own pace. Less a beta and more just a repository of game build versions on steam. that would be step one.

Puts it on the modders to be able to do their own thing at their own pace.

I'm not silly enough to think this can be sorted entirely in one pass but this would take advantage of an existing steam feature to just give freedom to the Modders, would also potentially mean Sami could draw a line and say Old versions are there for players and Modders, however no bug support if your not on the main branch.

Seems a fair compromise that may remove the need for some of the kinda hostile arguments that seem to have been occuring between long time community members on here.

Apreciate i haven't posted much, but have been playing for years, and for a small tight community to be having as much grumbling as this just seems a real shame, trying to find a reasonable compromise isn't easy but there should be a way.

If I understood your response correctly, that’s a peculiar approach to receiving updates to a longest in active development game in history of computer gaming. Maybe I truly misunderstood your response.

You definitely misunderstood and badly so. Its funny that someone who has been around the community mod so much would think that way.

The suggestion was to have a separate key for a make menu that would be a place modders would use. Then any ongoing development wouldn't disrupt the large mods. Since I had talked about a place where BOTH could happen that is on you not understanding. Trying to turn it in not developing the game is one of the gaslighting things people.

I personally can just play, should I play, on the existing versions of the game. The whole point of offering the suggestion was for the benefit of others.

A customer coming into a store having a staff tell them its a "battle" and how "little" the customer means the staff is an asshole.

By all means JP if you're up for it you can take over the community work. Content goes back to Rain's ironworking were we could already make axes and axe handles. Along the way dehafting was added for when you got a bad result mounting a handle. The use of new make menu letters has happened a few times and each time has meant a lot of work was needed to keep Rain and mine and everyone else's stuff going. By all means step up and: GO AHEAD.

Doesn't steam have a beta option build in for game designers to use already, I'm sure i've used it for other games.

So wouldn't the solution be to have it by default run the Designers live version but leave that window open so that there is say a stable build (or last few key builds) you can re-gress to.

That way people dont need to mess about downloading essentially pirateable old game files and additionally the Modders and Designers can sync up, modders can then choose to bring themselves in line with the Devs as the main game hits more major and interesting content updates.

Say every 0.25 (not an exact figure i think 3.80 and 3.72 were the last 2 bigger milestones) build versions a solid state (Stable) version is optional in steam. Wouldn't this please everyone?

As an extra advantage the designers could also make it possible to Opt in to a newer (experimental Branch) for those that want to offer them support and assist with developement of the main path.

I know you can't always please everybody but wouldn't this essentially put it in the players hands to please themselves ;) pun Intended. Whilst at the same time after intial setup be less work to designers? With the more die hard fans able to support them with feedback where it counts.

May have typed and essay sorry if what I'm saying doesn't sound viable not a coder just and ideas guy.

This mod seems to be dead and all, but does anyone know if it can be replicated in some way? At least just the character editing part. I didn't use it to cheat or anything, I just liked to touch upon rolled characters before finalizing creation process. Saves you a ton of time rolling for characters you want.

I'll consider remaking it for the current patch, or at least some of it. I've tried picking up work on my URW stuff a few times but, haven't had the drive to get anything done.

It'd be great if your up to it bud also hit me up if you want to spread the knowledge, not sure how to do the update but if you teach me a bit i'd be happy to help with it in future.

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