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Messages - rancherfer

Pages: [1]

I don't see a difference.

As such if it is a vanilla bug that needs to go to the Bug forums. However before doing that can someone do a check on a vanilla non-BAC game to see if stone arrowheads work?

Just to be super clear on this, the problem appears when trying to assemble the arrow. You have the feathers, the stone arrowhead and the shaft.
When you select the "Arrow" option, it asks for an arrowhead, it doesnt recognize the stone arrowheads as such.

Another thing I noticed its that after you craft the stone arrowheads, they just show up as "Arrowhead" (fine, inferior, etc). They don't show as stone arrowhead.

Thanks for all the great work you've done!

Apparently there's an error with the stone arrowheads. They are named just "Arrowhead" but when trying to craft arrows, they are not recognized as arrowheads.

Is this an intended change?

Thanks again

Pages: [1]