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Messages - Fenris_Wolf

Pages: [1]
Suggestions / Re: Too many Njerps?
« on: January 29, 2020, 11:07:14 AM »
If anything, I suspect the opposite might be true. Good standing with the spirits causing the forests to reveal more Njerps on the map, who were probably already spawned regardless of standing.
All of my games "appear" to be in the spirits good books with lots of unity with the forests messages, and all run into a high warrior count.

Suggestions / Re: Too many Njerps?
« on: January 26, 2020, 12:23:19 AM »
I tend to find the amount of them ruins the balance as well. You don't even need to be combat oriented, a solid active hunter build will can dispatch a lone njerp without difficulty (and often before they can even react) and make ridiculous profit in trades from selling off their weapons. My current game is a Owl Tribe hunter dead center of Driik territory, and in less then 2 months I had enough for complete fine knife set, and all masterwork axes, with MW spear and bow.

Frequently I run into multiple warriors on the same day (sometimes as many as 3). A few days ago (real days, not game) i spotted 2 at once in the bog, kill them then spotted 2 more as soon as i went back to world map. Killed the 3rd and went back to the village to rest before the 4th, and saw a 5th warrior on my way. All within maybe a 8 tiles radius and a few in-game hours. This could be explained away as a raiding party on the village, but since they're lone warriors and not moving as a group they're just easy pickings.

IMO other areas of the map except njerp lands or no-man's they should spawn a lot less, and more likely as a raiding party since they'd be in hostile lands. Common robbers should be more frequent then njerps. They're much harder to farm. Lower rewards due to worse gear and because they're a group much more of a risk to engage.

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