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Messages - ineedcords

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 16
Having the higher ground in a dueling situation is generally considered advantageous.
By whom? Source? (I hope the source is not Anakin vs Obi-Wan fight 🤣)

It is probably mentioned by many pre-gunpowder era warfare texts. There is also a detailed Wikipedia article on this matter, here:

General Discussion / Re: The Njerpez are destroying my tribe
« on: October 28, 2023, 11:57:34 PM »
I started the game as a Kaumolais tribesman and have lived in their territory for the first year of my gameplay. During the first winter I noticed the njerpez establishing camps inside the territory of my tribe which I didn't think much of and just steered clear of those areas.

However, now chunks of the Kaumolais culture seem to be disappearing from the map, there are holes in the culture map that had previously been green. Will the Njerpez destroy the entire culture or do they stop their raiding at some point? I have no means to fight them and running away would mean leaving behind my beloved cabin.
Sorry to read this... Unfortunately, if you have no means to destroy them, they will continue to destroy what you love.
Harsh but realistically implemented.

Alt + Tab does help with the sub menu issue. I can't confirm that it helps every time but so far when I've tried it it has helped. I should also clarify that I haven't updated my graphics driver since I had the issue but that it has been updated recently.

Sorry to hear you are having issues.

I will try and help however this does not appear to be an Unreal World issue - it must be a local hardware-related issue.
There are quite a few other reports on the exact brand/model graphics card, exhibiting the exact same issue.

See the link below mentioning many potential fixes including changing a setting in software, changing cable, changing the graphics card (MSI accepts it apparently) etc.

Below, I suggest two alternative routes: the top one is the better approach and it should help fix the issue permanently but it is time costly. The bottom one is the quick & lazy workaround which may help run this game and other 2D/3D software without black screen but it is not a fix, just a band aid and you will need to keep re-applying it after each restart (assuming it works at all).

1) Uninstall graphics driver & any accompanying software,
2) Reboot the computer,
3) Install the latest drivers,
4) Reboot once more,
5) Launch Unreal World & test the game again.
If the issue repeats, then you may just want to log a support case with the card vendor as the quickest path to expert assistance and potential unit replacement.

If you do not want to do all the above, and just want a quick fix, you can try one quick potential fix as described below. Even though this has more steps below it should take 10 minutes to test whereas the aforementioned test can take days.
The main idea below is reducing the capability of your graphics card (and thus its power usage) to see if that helps - it still should be powerful enough to run at least 3-4 Unreal Worlds side by side so do not worry about the "reduction" here much. What's below can only help if the issue is power related, then it would be a quick temporary workaround.
1) Download the free 'NVIDIA Inspector' utility here:
You can read more about it here:
2)  Extract the ZIP archive & launch the utility by double clicking on the EXE file,
3) Click on "Show Overclocking", then click YES, which will reveal some advanced options
4) Near the top right corner, under the "Base Clock Offset [n Mhz]" field, click on the "-20" button as many times as you can to reduce the clock rate of the card as much as you can, then from bottom right corner click on "Apply Clocks & Voltage" button.
5) Click X icon to close that utility.
6) Launch Unreal World & test the game again.
If the issue repeats, then I suggest you do not waste time and go back to SUGGESTION 1 above.

If you try either, please let us know the outcome, both to satisfy curiosity but also to potentially help others with exact same hardware.

Good luck!

Edit: oh, by the way, @Erkka & @Sami, I am sufficiently confident this is a local hardware-related issue and I suggest moving this outside Bug Reports; either to General Discussion or maybe Off-topic - we can still try and help there.

Suggestions / Re: CAPS LOCK indicator
« on: May 24, 2023, 12:53:28 AM »
With "q" for Quaff for drinking being a regular thing the pop up of "do you wish to die" is a bit alarming.. which comes from capital Q aka shift-Q. This happens if caps lock got pressed. Small thing. Could you add a display in the game screen whether caps lock is on?
Sometimes, this annoys me too! I acknowledge it is a minor problem but would be good to get rid of it.

Having said that, this particular suggestion would solve the problem for very little percentage of people, is my guess because he who makes this mistake in the heat of gaming may also ignore the on-screen CAPS LOCK key status indicator.

Depending your operating system; most of them already have option for audible, and/or visual, notification for Caps status.
Adding it in-game seems, redundant, and not best use of programming time spent.

Maybe the suggestion would be better featured as: "ignore the CapsLock status from the Operating System"
But that runs a possibility of ruining the gameplay for someone who needs to utilize the CapsLock to use any uppercase functions.
Best case, with unlimited programming time: make that an option to toggle in .ini or in-game options.
As a general principle, it is a bad idea to override the O/S functionality in the application when it is not absolutely necessary or hugely beneficial.
Overrides lead to unexpected behaviour for the users who are familiar with the O/S but not yet with the application's particular behaviour.
Some of these overriding actions, such as capturing and sinking O/S-level multi-keystroke functionality in the application, is a source of some strange bugs too.
In this case, I do not think we 'need' to do this and thus would be prudent not to get into it.

In addition to the indicators you mentioned, some physical keyboards also have a light/led indicating the status of the key but as I touched above, someone gaming (and probably punching keys fast) would probably not take the time to check a physical or in-game/virtual led status either.

I think a more natural solution is addressing the root cause by removing the double-bound status from the physical Q key.

In terms of approaching this suggestion, simply because drink/quaff (q) is more frequently used, it makes sense to leave it where it currently is i.e.: very close to the left-hand-parking-row for a QWERTY keyboard for the English language in which the game interface is coded in.
In addition, Q is very close to the WASD location most PC gamers are very used to.
Another benefit is that in the pseudo-default state of the keyboard (with CAPS LOCK in the OFF state) it requires single key press.

Probably the change should come by changing the binding of the QUIT command, ideally by changing it to something hard to hit by mistake.

What that hard-to-hit-by-mistake key combination should be is open to discussion and testing.
My initial suggestion ideas are:

Suggestions / Re: Changing items to new Miscellaneous category
« on: May 23, 2023, 11:56:39 PM »
Pretty simple suggestion, change categories of non-weapon and other items that don't function as weapons or tools without assembly to Miscellaneous.
Less clutter, all items still readily available.
I am guessing you are not using filter [TAB] functionality much (or at least, not using it much for filtering less frequently used categories such as Valuables, Containers, etc.) however I, for one, do use it, and use it regularly. For me, categories is useful even when not actively filtering [TAB], but simply visually browsing the vast loot I obtained from the reds, paid with the blood of many four-legged soldiers.

Like most functionality people use & like, I would not want to see it removed.

In my eyes, categories is not clutter - it is beauty.

I wonder what the devs & players think about xotto's mod and implementing that as it stands (or perhaps a toned up/down variation of it), in the vanilla game hence this discussion thread...

Below is the link to the mod release thread, which includes screenshots showing BEFORE & AFTER comparison visually:
Mod Release Thread: Less sight-blocking tiles for rain and snow

It probably would make sense to even make it a configuration option such as "Precipitation Visualization: Low/Medium/High" or similar.

Modding / Re: less sight-blocking tiles for rain and snow
« on: May 19, 2023, 08:29:16 PM »
Thank you for creating & sharing.
Never posted this idea in Suggestions prior to seeing this thread, but during play, many times I thought the default rain & snow visualization was indeed too blocking.
Good to have this mod for now but I hope this (or a variation) gets implemented in the vanilla game, in the future.

Edit: I have posted the idea of this mod, as a suggestion, to be implemented in the vanilla game, here:

Suggestions / Re: The UrW Anti-RSI Campaign group. ARSI, for short.
« on: May 17, 2023, 11:32:09 PM »
...This is suggestion is also read and listened, and game courses are something we'll re-think anyway in the future.
Re-reading this thread, I just got an idea:
How about having grandmasters (GM) of certain skills added to the world who can be convinced to teach the player, but only if the player pays them somehow (goods, services) via quests.
After "paying", player gets a learning-speed boost for a certain duration which in turn can help with the anti-RSI effort.

This may also be a useful step towards giving people more things to do in the long run, to avoid boredom as well.

Is this not the same issue with the described in your other post from ~2 years ago, here:
So does this bug occur, if you do all this exactly the same but not touch the (background) music setting at all?

Suggestions / Re: Danish Translation
« on: May 17, 2023, 06:09:42 PM »
Hey Sami.
If it is possible I can provide the Danish translation of the game.
Welcome to the forums.
It is a good idea, and translation to various languages has been suggested & proposed earlier, unfortunately Sami has already stated the game is not designed for easy translation and provided some details, in this post:

Bug reports / Re: Villagers being passive towards predators
« on: April 21, 2023, 03:42:27 AM »
Not sure if this should to go to suggestions or here, but I had an incident where wolf pack entered nearby village and hang around there for few days killing all the sheep and chilling, while villagers did nothing. It's a bit silly situation when the villagers don't turn hostile against predators in the camp :D If I recall right they do attack Njerpez, right?
Thanks for reporting.
I believe it is a known bug - a similar, older report is here:

If you have a savegame, that you can compress into a ZIP archive, and share with the developers, I think it would be appreciated. The email address is listed on this page:

Suggestions / Re: The UrW Anti-RSI Campaign group. ARSI, for short.
« on: January 30, 2023, 12:09:41 AM »
On behalf of struggling iron-age Finns everywhere, I have a couple of suggestions to reduce the risks of RSI and arthritis:
Great to have a thread about anti-RSI, discussing issues and potential improvements, thanks for raising this.

As a very high level look at the game, I believe one major problem and perhaps the main RSI problem we have, is tied to one of the tenets of the UrW game design which boils down to "do action X, to get better at skill X".
This certainly is not good for RSI at all, especially when combined with the ever-reducing skill-increase-success-chance rates; such as shooting few thousand arrows to increase bow skill from 99 to 100, it does get bad.
Currently game drops player as a 16 year old and player is mostly in control of their destiny; there are no hard classes and no hardcoded paths. One, via dedication, eventually can become a swordsman, an archer etc. That dedication is currently paid with RSI...
One alternative to this is, not having that kind of development at all, with a more static class system in which you start as archer for example but do not change from there, much - I would not prefer that, personally.
Another alternative is keeping any-to-any skill development approach but allowing much quicker skill development, starting as archer, quickly becoming swordsman. This probably would reduce immersion.
I am not sure what to do on this, if you or anyone have a suggestion to improve this, I would be interested to hear that.

1.  Clothing should be at the bottom of the inventory menu, as I believe it is the thing we make least changes to.  No more scrolling past 25 items of winter clothing to get at the tool.
Now, focusing on item 1 in your list (quoted above), there are already anti-RSI features in the game to help with the "too many items in list 'issue. Namely, the auto-assigned item letter codes for instant-item-interaction, as well as the FILTER functionality located under the TAB shortcut key in inventory view.

If you have anti-RSI efficiency on your mind, and you look at your inventory list & see 25 clothing items and you wish to get past those to reach a tool, then in that situation, you should not be scrolling down 25 items in the first place, as it would be against the anti-RSI efficiency.

Just hit the TAB key (the FILTER key), and use the built-in feature to show tools only and press 'a' key to pick the first item in the tools-only view (or, if it is not the top one in this new/updated tools-only view, then just hit the corresponding item key, such as b, c, d, etc.).

You can check out this post from paz, for a run down of what's already available in the game:

2. (Your herblore suggestion) I agree with the herblore skill speed up suggestion. While at it, wheatherlore probably should be bumped up too.
3. (Bow suggestion) This sounds good to me also. Hitting live animals/humans, to level up faster (rather than 600 waste shots). Note that the dev is a real life archer and probably been training for years, so they may not like a fast tracked approach. There is no harm in suggesting though, let's see what they say, probably in the next round of suggestions-mass-review.

General Discussion / Re: [SOLVED] Issues running Unreal World on Ubuntu
« on: January 25, 2023, 11:36:04 PM »
Whoops, I haven't really used forums since like 2005 and forgot I was the one who had to edit the title. Thanks for any future people in need for making the guide!

Although I gotta ask for more help-everything was fine and I spent a couple hours making a trap fence, fishing and building a house for winter. Lots of fun, but then when I next launched the game my laptop shut down within a minute. I fiddled with the laptop a bit and it worked after a third attempt so I just kinda forgot about it. Now it's happening again: every time I launch Unreal World, the entire laptop dies within 20 and 60 seconds of opening Unreal World no matter what I do.

I tried searching for this issue but got no hits, and did some experimenting. It shut down in the same way with no noticeable pattern to how long it took whether I waited on the menu, I jumped into the game or tried creating a character. I launched with the terminal and waited for the crash but absolutely no unusual messages popped up before the crash. Ran Dwarf Fortress and cheated myself to a full fortress of dwarves to see if that would do anything, and it ran fine while I did RL chores.
As this is an edge case, and due to low PC issues-related traffic volume here (and low traffic volume overall) you are much more likely to get quick help outside this forum.
I would suggest looking at existing posts in a PC support forum such as these few below, failing that, posting in a large one, on one of those PC hardware forums.

Alternatively, you could try posting in this forum, but as a new thread, under the Off-topic board, after providing your system hardware and software details and some of us can try and help.

As quick hints:
* In general PC unexpected shutdown issues are due to built-in thermal protection so it gets hot, shuts down to protect against potential damage.
* Ubuntu system general log and temperature related logs you can check also, see this post:
* If you have not done so a good start is updating the PCs BIOS (assuming there is an update available) because sometimes manufacturers fix these isues after sale but you may not have installed the "fix" yet by not updating the BIOS.
* Ensure you read all documentation thoroughly before you attempt any BIOS updates as it is the one area of PC in which software update can brick your device (see: ).

General Discussion / Re: That's how you think the weather will be like
« on: January 22, 2023, 12:24:28 AM »
The purpose of this post is to ask the community about their experiences regarding weather, and most precicely weatherlore skill.
I find it useful only for characters named Maximus - this skill, somehow, completes the guy.

[GUIDE] Unreal World Outdated Free Version On Modern Ubuntu Linux

This guide attempts to help successfully run Unreal World outdated free version on a modern Ubuntu Linux system.
It is a rough step by step guide so if you have never installed a software package/game with a deb package, it might help.

There is a line somewhere in the middle of this post, marked with xxxxx (not kisses).
If you have already installed UrW or other software with deb packages before, you probably already know anything ABOVE the xxx line.

What's BELOW the xxx line is the main purpose I added this guide here.
It tries to help troubleshoot the missing dependencies issue so that more people can fix these issues quickly and locally.
Even though all of this can already be found in other web pages, YouTube videos etc. without knowing what to search for and without an overall structure, for some, it can be a daunting task to even start looking for help.

Please DO SEND any constructive criticism by replying directly to this message. Let me know if anything is wrong/unclear & needs further elaboration/important but missing from the guide etc.

Please DO NOT post technical issues by replying directly to this message - I will be happy to try and help you but best to open a new thread for your specific case, under General Discussion board. See the last bit of this message for a few hints on what to include in your help request.

Information on Ubuntu O/S
You can download Ubuntu linux operating system here:
Installing Ubuntu is outside the scope of this guide but I will give a hint below so that, if interested but unsure where to start, you can look into it on the web.

Information on VirtualBox - The free virtualization software to keep your Windows or Mac and have your linux too (on the same PC)
If you do not wish to install Ubuntu linux on your existing hardware, you can use the free virtualization software VirtualBox
You probably already knew this but this suggestion is for that one person who never tested (or heard of) virtualization software.
Assuming you have reasonably powerful/modern PC hardware VirtualBox software completely for free will let you run a "Ubuntu linux virtual machine" under your actual system.
Even if you completely "break" the linux, nothing will happen to your actual Windows system.
If you do use VirtualBox, ensure you provide adequate system resources to your new gaming virtual machine; e.g.: memory=4 GB, cpu=4x, display=128 MB VMSVGA & acceleration=enable 3d acceleration.

Step: Using Other Guides/Resources, Set Up Ubuntu Desktop 22.04 LTS
Ideally at first as a Virtual Machine so that you are used to it, a bit and feel more at home before you start diving deeper. Only then, start following this guide.

Step:  Update O/S, bring in the latest updates, fixes, dependencies etc and reboot
Code: [Select]
apt update && apt upgrade -y && reboot
Step:  Elevate to superuser & create temporary directory
Log back in after reboot, launch a terminal, become superuser, create a temporary location to set things up, store temporary log/output files etc.
Code: [Select]
sudo -i
mkdir /aaa && cd /aaa

Step:  Install pre-requisite software SDL2 library
SDL2 library is a software Unreal World requires, you can read more about it here:
Install SDL2 libs, with the command below.
Warning --yes flag means "Automatic yes to prompts; assume 'yes' as answer to all prompts and run non-interactively". I've added it here for speed, but if undesired, remove it.
Code: [Select]
apt --yes install libsdl2-2.0-0 libsdl2-image-2.0-0 libsdl2-mixer-2.0-0 libsdl2-net-2.0-0
Unreal World - Free Vs Paid Version Notice
I encourage everyone to purchase the game via or Steam so that you can enjoy the BEST Unreal World there is.
If you do not have the financial bandwidth at the moment (or just do not want), thankfully the very generous devs allow you to still enjoy the game legally (except the very latest goodies).

Step:  Download the Unreal World game package.
As of today (2023-January) v.3.63 is the free-but-not-latest version of the game and this link goes directly to that file.
This wget command should save the file urw_3.63_amd64.deb in your current directory, which is /aaa
Code: [Select]
Posterity Notice In the future when devs update the free version, the direct link below probably will not work, so you will need to go to the official website > Downloads > Ubuntu > 64-bit, right click on the download button/link, copy the shortcut/link, then update the wget command above with the new link.

Step:  Install the game
dpkg -i urw_3.63_amd64.deb

Step:  Launch the game
Click on the desktop icon or just issue the command listed below to launch the game.
Code: [Select]
urwIt would be great if it "just worked" when the game is launched.
Newest version of the game (3.72), as expected, does just work.
However as reported earlier (link below), older version of the game may rely on dependencies that are not clearly listed in the dpkg installation screen ( report: ).
Furthermore when user attempts to launch the game no clear instruction is given other than a cryptic message as detailed in the topic linked above.
This is the core issue: when launch game instruction doesn't work, it is not clear what is expected of the user to fix the problem. Install something? What exactly?

Step:  The right thing to do approach
The right thing to do now is to identify what missing software components are needed and install those, and only those.
This approach is not detailed / covered in this tutorial.
As far as I know there is no such list, it is not clear, it is not only system dependent, probably also version dependent. It is detective work and can be time consuming because:
* Game UrW is dependent on lib1, lib2, lib3.
** lib1 is dependent on libA1 and A2.
*** LibA1 is dependent on libX27 which is then dependent on libYYY341 and libYYY342.
***LibA2 is dependen...
Sometimes, it goes on and on. It is possible to get to the bottom of it but may need dedication...



Step:  Quick Hack: install 'em all
As a quick workaround, we can: 1) quickly determine what libraries are mentioned, AND 2) in a quick/scripted manner, try to install all "mentioned" libraries.
This is the not a precise approach at all and probably should be avoided on your actual/primary computer.

What to do on your actual/primary computer
a) It is probably best to just purchase the full game which is based on a recent build, using modern software (library) versions, and in my experience works flawless.
b) Alternatively, you can dedicate large amounts of time to systematically try libs and eventually find the working combination.
(If you go this route and eventually succeed, perhaps post a reply here sharing your O/S  exact version, game version, and what software packages you installed to get it working which can be seen with "grep Commandline /var/log/apt/history.log". I already have the paid version but it can help another person save time).

What to do on your gaming PC/gaming Virtual Machine
You can follow the instructions below to automatically add any and all missing software without careful consideration. You may end up with too much so perhaps do not do this on your main computer.
It may be OK to do this on a dedicated-gaming-virtual-machine which can be snapshotted/re-created with relative ease.
WARNING This can screw up your computer
WARNING Snapshot the virtual machine before doing this, in case it breaks something, you can revert back to the previous state with a single click.

Step: Install software package pax-utils
We will use lddtree utility which is distributed with the pax-utils so we need to install it.
apt --yes install pax-utils

Step: List dependencies and their dependencies using the lddtree utility, save output to a text file
Code: [Select]
lddtree /usr/bin/urw3-bin > lddtree.1.raw_output.txt
Step: Post-process the output to create filenames
Code: [Select]
cat lddtree.1.raw_output.txt | awk {'print $1'} > lddtree.2.filenames.txt
Step: Post-process the filenames to get base filenames (roughly)
Code: [Select]
cat lddtree.2.filenames.txt | sed -e 's/.so.[0-9]//' > lddtree.3.baseishfilenames.txt
Step: Automatically try to install any and all missing software
WARNING This can cause issues. If executing on a virtual machine, consider creating a snapshot before running this command, and otherwise, consider running a new backup just to be on the safe side.
The 1st command below just shows on screen what it will attempt to automatically install.
The 2nd command below will actually attempt the software installation, for each package.
SHOW command
Code: [Select]
cat lddtree.3.baseishfilenames.txt | while read line; do echo apt -y install $line-dev; doneINSTALL command
Code: [Select]
cat lddtree.3.baseishfilenames.txt | while read line; do apt -y install $line-dev; doneNote: This will not install every single missing library which is why it is called a 'Quick Hack' but based on my limited testing it is good enough, it did the job of converting a cannot-run-old-urw Ubuntu box to one that can run it and did it pretty quickly.

Step:  Once more, try launching the game
Now that a bunch of additional software is installed, there is a (high) chance, the missing dependency is now addressed so what failed earlier may work now.
Click on the desktop icon or just issue the command listed below to launch the game.
Code: [Select]
What to do if it still doesn't work
Don't worry, take deep breath, relax. Remember nothing has changed & concept is the same, we still need to identify and install what is missing then it should work...

When relaxed adequately, go to the GENERAL DISCUSSION board, start a new discussion thread so that other linux users can try and help.

Please invest a few seconds to clearly naming the thread because what you put in the Subject field can pull or push technical people.
It is good to see something like "Getting 'Inconsistency detected by' error when launching v.3.88 under Ubuntu 52".
It tells us what O/S you have, which version of the game you are running, and what error message you are getting. That's a pretty good start.

Hope this helps someone, some day.

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