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Messages - cheesealmighty

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Modding / Re: "You don't skin people!" - But I want to!
« on: January 07, 2019, 11:12:32 PM »
Few scientific examples:
 - (This one is a bit old for science standards):

Basically, human teeth marks, knife scrapings off the bone.

The disease protein gene paper is a bit disputed one. I could probably comment on that if I go on a reading journey, but... Maybe later.


I'm aware of the dull "memefication" of the human leather thing. Rimworld forums are filled with that. And I respect the decision of not including for that reason, to an extend.

Modding / Re: "You don't skin people!" - But I want to!
« on: January 07, 2019, 08:13:34 PM »
 Hmm. I'm not much of an anthropologist, but my cursory search showed enough research (not the clickbait news articles) to convince me that it existed in a meaningful manner, at least in the prehistoric era. Thus, (probably) iron age Finland.

 But obviously, this wouldn't be an primary food source.  As humans can't exactly be bred and raised. Not to mention it's terrible inefficient to do so. But I'm finding it hard to believe in a cutthroat world, you wouldn't skin and butcher your enemies' corpses after a battle has been won. Hell, the fact that we're discussing it now is a testament to humans' moral relativism.

Modding / "You don't skin people!" - But I want to!
« on: January 07, 2019, 12:55:17 PM »
Yet, looking at how hideworking works and the modding wiki, I couldn't exactly figure out how. At least, there doesn't seem to be be an API for it.

I probably could have a workaround using something like:

Code: [Select]
.Human skin. "Animal Hide" /4h/ *HIDEWORKING* %-100% [effort:3] [phys:arms,hands,stance]
{*dead *}          [remove] [ground] [name: %s skin]
{Knife} <Broad Knife>


since I don't actually intend to eat the corpse. Or work off a trust system and don't include the [remove] tag. Any ideas on how to improve this?


On another note, it is odd to me that in an age where cannibalism was a somewhat common practice, there's isn't much human leatherworking. I thought they let nothing go to waste in that time.

I notice that carpentry is used for making most objects..... Can you not add a skill to the ini_skills file?

Never mind.... it seems no, you can't.....

   - Shane
ini_skills file, only has effect when survivor is created.

I tried and created a test character, no additional skills.  :-\
Do they just not display?

   - Shane

Unfortunately you can't add new skill trees to the game with the current modding system. That's also why some modders choose to use "weatherlore" as a wildcard. Usually for ironworking. That ini file is for changing the starting bonuses for different tribes.

Looking at the modding page in the wiki:

And the recipe:
Code: [Select]
.Extract Fibre. "Rock" *AGRICULTURE* /15/ [patch:10] [effort:3] [phys:arms,stance]
{Dried Retted *} [remove] [patchwise] [ground] [name:Fibre from %s] [naming:last word] 'Dried, Retted Plants'
{Club} '+for scutching'
{Knife} <Small knife>
{*comb} [optional]
// Icon provided by Kaaven from the Urw Forums, modified

I don't know by how much it improves it, but should improve it.

Changing to {*comb} worked just fine, aye.


For the bone comb recipe:
Code: [Select]
.Bone comb. "Hunting Horn" *CARPENTRY* /2h/ [effort:1] [phys:hands] %-20%
{Bone} (1) [remove] [noquality] [NAME:%s comb] [naming:original]

It looks like it should work, but for some reason it doubles the "bone".

That sounded wrong.

Bone comb cannot be used as comb in extracting fibres/weaving:

It seems like you can't use clay tubs for ironworking, even though they're basically huge. It seems all the recipes were set to
{Wooden tub of water}

Code: [Select]
* tub of water works as probably intended.

Terrain types as known to the wiki

Thank you, I'm aware of that list. But unfortunately I'm looking for this empty column:

I mentioned this in a above post, it may have gotten overlooked:

"I need barren terrain to make a whetstone, can i make the terrain somehow or do i have to go find it somewhere, up north or something?"

Best of luck in your future endeavors Brygun! Appreciate the effort!

"Barren terrain" apparently implies:
barren terrain where stones would be easily visible, such as Cliffs, Mountains and Lichenous forests.

as discussed in the old Buoidda's Crafts thread:

Although, if anyone has the list of these terrain type - in game grouping for the rest of the biomes, I would love to look at that.

My apologies, @Signatus but I don't see it here. There's only birch root. Unless I'm missing something obvious?

Hope everything turns out okay for your IRL job matters.

Here's an issue, the sinew cannot be extracted from the does. As can be seen here:

Code: [Select]
{*reindeer * carcass*} instead of
Code: [Select]
{*reindeer carcass*} should and indeed does work.

I have a question though, I'm not sure where to get the birch and rowan "saplings" mentioned in the fletching section. Especially since it's asking for one in the inventory, and not nearby (like young trees).

Code: [Select]
.Birch Sapling arrow shaft. "Firewood" [phys:hands,one-armed]   *CARPENTRY*   %-40%  /15/  |-2|  [patch:5]
{Birch Sapling}      [remove] [patchwise] [noquality] +'Birch sapling'

@cheesealmighty you would also want to account for the clothing recipes getting the birch-bark armor quality and not that of the cloth. That may or may not happen naturally. Again, a significant coding project for not much gain. Just make more birch-bark underwear recipes.

Heh. Also I forgot even with %-50% you can get "decent" pieces. I'm just going to do %-100% instead.

Well, I think I'll be keeping the "[MATERIAL:cloth]" tag. So should still be getting the cloth attributes. I think. This should be better than having it have birch-bark attributes, since the product, from what I can see is a very crude, sack cloth like thing. And birch-bark items seems to be retaining the hardness of the original material instead.

Heh. It looks like a very itchy and very uncomfortable piece of hemp-like cloth. And probably not that durable.

But should work fine as thread, a very crude thread, but a thread nonetheless.

While I agree with Signatus, I think I'll patch up a "hemp" cloth with %-50% modifier for my personal use. But this might end up very very unbalanced like s/he pointed out.

Oh, interesting. You can get birch-bark yarn using this call:

Code: [Select]
.Spin Yarn. "Cord" *AGRICULTURE* /1h/ [patch:5] [effort:1] [phys:hands,one-armed]
{*ibre from *} #0.5# [remove] [patchwise]  [name:%s Yarn] [naming:last word] 'Fibre'
{*Spindle and Distaff}
// Icon provided by Kaaven from the Urw Forums, modified
// 'Plant Fibre' -> 'Fibre'

But it cannot be woven into cloth. Which, I assume stems from the fact that you ran out of menu space   ;D
As it can be woven into a very rough piece. As can be seen here:

Also from what I understand, these recipes should be able to use this yarn, correct?
Code: [Select]
.Nettle cloak. /60/ *HIDEWORKING* [effort:1] [phys:hands]
{*Yarn}  (1) 'Yarn' [remove]
{Nettle *}  'Nettle Cloth' #7.0# [remove]
{Knife} <Small knife> 'A knife good for fine work'

Ah, quick delivery! Thank you kind sir. But it doesn't seem to work even still. :/

As you can see here:


Another issue I'm having is that I haven't been able to locate an "Hardwood staff". This one:

Code: [Select]
.Hardwood longbow. "Longbow" [effort:2] [phys:stance,arms] *CARPENTRY*  %10% /320/ |2|
{Hard staff} [remove] [noquality] 'Hardwood staff'
{Knife}<Small knife>
{Bowstring} [remove]

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