« on: July 05, 2019, 01:35:13 AM »
I would like to say that I agree the "Browsing" system is not optimal and would like something more easier mainly when I am searching for one specific item. Even the ability to order a specific item from local craftsman would be great addition (this already happens in punt quest, so could work in general sense).
I also think that items should have different values for different tribes. Kaumos will not value furs as much, but might value iron armour. Seal tribe would be interested in furs, but would not value meat as much, etc. I think it would not be hard to come with a list of what is more common for that tribe and what is more valuable for them.
Lastly I think, you character should have general knowledge of item value. When inspecting he should know what general value of item is. This could even be tied to skill, that would be used for better prices when bargaining. (It would only increase by making trades.)